I live on one of the wider streets in the Slope. Because its wider, trucks love to speed down it.
The next block down from me has a newly installed speed bump.

I am wondering who in the city to call to check if we are getting one or ask for one.


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  1. 11:00 AM has got it basically correct. Skip 311. And skip your state and federal representatives…city DOT will be making the decision. You can go straight to the DOT borough commissioner’s office (16 Court Street, 16th Floor, 11201) but eventually DOT will ask for the community board’s input, so you may want to start there. The community board may want some evidence that the request is coming from more than one person, so a petition may be suggested. A request from an established block association would suffice. Speed humps are only installed where traffic volume and speed meet certain thresholds, which may explain why 11:00’s request was denied. If you’ve been denied in the past, another request can be made after 18 months have passed.

  2. They installed a speed bump within the last year just up the street from Eastern Car Service on 15th street between 5th and 6th avenues.

    Think it might have had anything to do with the car service? LOL

    Those guys are the shittiest, most unsafe drivers on our streets today…I think it was a good idea.

    Now if we can only get people to stop doing U-turns and double parking with three feet or more between vehicles.

  3. the whole woonerf thing is a really really really bad idea for new york. i guarantee that someone gets killed in the first week and they rip the whole thing out.

  4. I live on a block that has acquired a speed bump over the summer. It has been mostly good.

    It is in front of the building just next to me and there is some noise from trucks hitting it or from cars hitting it too quickly. But the overall street noise is about the same to me. Trucks are noisy, perhaps a slight additional bang but nothing noteworthy.

    It has slowed down traffic in some part. There are those who always speed. But overall I see a reduction in speeding.

    No accidents or plowing problems that I’m aware of but we haven’t had a real snow yet.

  5. The noise, the accidents and the inability to properly plow the street are some things you should take into consideration before requesting speed bumps.

  6. I recently tried to do this in BH.

    If you call 311, they will give you the address for the Department of Transportation office nearest you. You then must write them a letter, asking for the speed bump. I also wrote my state senator, state rep, and congresswoman. I heard back from the state rep’s office, who were supportive, and who also suggested the petition. I didn’t have the energy or time to do this. The office also stressed that speed bumps do add to the noise, and do not always reduce speed.

    At any rate, about three months later I got a letter from the Dept. of Transpo saying my request had been considered, but denied.