Hi Brownstoners,

We received a quote from a contractor who we would like to work with and on it he has a number listed for demolition and removal. He then has listed line by line the charges for the work in each of the rooms we are having done and within the breakdown, he has listed opening up of a wall and is charging a couple thousand for that in each of the rooms we are expanding. My question is, isn’t that covered in the five figure demolition charge? We are doing another walk through with him next week so I want to be prepared when we are going over the numbers. Thanks all.

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  1. That’s absurd. Being picky and asking questions doesn’t mean the client is being difficult. People pay scads of money to get their houses fixed up. It would be insane to hand over fistfuls of money without asking questions and getting specifics about the job. If I ever got the sense I was going to get charged more simply for wanting quality work and transparency then I’d pass on that contractor pronto.

  2. looks like your details and scoe of work are not clear enough from him so you should get explaination line by line.
    don’t sound to picky the price will go up and you are sending a message that you might be a difficullt client.
    toronto canada
    25 years in the reno biz

  3. Line item estimates do not an honest contractor make. But it sounds like you have a rapport with him which is good. That said, definitely ask about the demo thing. You can’t know what the contractor is thinking until you do. He could have a good reason for charging what seems like twice, though it seems odd. In general though this is a very good exercise. ALWAYS ASK! Even ask about the stuff that seems obvious. If I’ve learned anything in the course of having mucho work done in two houses is that people can’t read your mind (so be very very specific about what you want and how you want it done), nor can they be automatically trusted to do right by you no matter how much they’re getting paid… Ouch.