One of our eagle-eyed correspondents telexed in an update on the Strong Place Church at the corner of Degraw. She reports that there is “suddenly a lot of activity.” Not only were there a bunch of guys carting out wood and debris last week but today she spotted “a bearded man in a cherry picker giving the exterior a once over.” There are also reports of surveyors and much talking on cell phones. Sinister indeed.


  1. Iceberg,
    You’ve really lost it now. What planet are you living on? Your accusations don’t deserve a response but…”Bearded” as a code word for “Jewish”? Come on. As far as the sinister comment, it was clearly sarcastic, playing up the fact that not much is actually going on at all. The over-sensitivity never ends!
    Brownstoner (who happens to have a nice 7-day growth going right now himself)

  2. I think people are willing to pay more for better architecture. As other posts have mentioned, there can be some really special apartments created out of older buildings, such as churches.

  3. I must solicit your help “FHG” in rising up in response to “y’ala!”‘s vicious anti-semetic attack and helping him/her see that he/she has been duped into believing that anti-semitism is not hiding beneath every word and especially words that are bolded, italicized and underlined. Notice too his/her vile use of the word “fool” applied in the vernacular of “Mr. T” (another famous anti-semite)

    Now I will show myself
    To have more of the serpent than the dove;
    That is–more knave than fool.
    – The Jew of Malta (act II, sc. 3), Christopher Marlow

    Please help me save this soul whatever his/her race or religion

  4. The church at Strong and DeGraw is not/was never a Catholic church. It was once a Baptist church, but as everyone seems to know it’s been defunct for years.

    I suppose I could get up in arms like everyone here and claim that this is prejudice, too– either not knowing (or caring about) the differences between Baptists and Catholics, or by asserting that a church that’s been sold has to have been part of the clearinghouse by the Vatican– but I come to this site for the musings and questions/answers about REAL ESTATE and RENOVATIONS.


  5. Anonymous poster at 3:21PM are you seriously serious?

    But how about the caption of the post that uses “brewing”; substitute only two letters and you have “jewing” as in “somebodys jewing someone down over there at that real estate auction” as another reader astutely pointed out is a hazard in the real estate business but only when jews are concerned. This is because as we know members of the more nordic races are focused on architectural integrity and beauty rather than squeezing out every last dollar of a real estate deal.

    When I hang out with my crew of friends does that mean I am hanging out with my jew of friends. Retarded.

    And just for the record… there is no such thing as the Jewish race. Blacks, whites, hispanic and any of the more nordic races alike can be jew, too, fool.

    I think we have a case of antisemitismphobia.

    Y’ala at that former church property on the up and up and can I get a condo or section 8 housing apartment in it?

  6. As a fellow “bearded man” (I prefer the term facially hirsute gentleman) I second your objection. This post, with its implication that a FHG in a cherry-picker outside a church MUST be up to no good, does nothing but further divide the barbate and whiskerless populations of Brooklyn. C’mon, Brownstoner, can’t we all just get along?

  7. So it is true. The brownstoner is a free for all gossip column. The initial photo and text did breed the responses below…so I don’t blame the responders completely.

    Come on folks. Lets get real here. The place has been a nasty mess for a long time and I am just happy that something will finally happen.

    The LPC won’t let them do anything so bad and I won’t have to walk my dog on the other side of the street.

    No one on this site was happy that someone…anyone was finally looking at thing

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