340 Bond
It’s good to know that recent tragic events have led to increased on-site safety vigilance. We wonder what the official DOB position is on children playing on heavy machinery at work sites? Amazing. GMAP

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  1. i am the father in this picture, and all i can say is that i was holding on to my son the entire time that lasted for less then five minutes from entering the site till leaving it.
    it was my decision to take him up on the fork lift to the 2nd floor (9 feet) then to carry him up on a ladder. I am osha certified and I made this decision as the safer choice.
    Not me or my son were playing on heavy equipment I have 1 year old twins and my son did not have school so I gave some vacation to my wife.

    I was in the military(I hope this will not piss you of)and a construction manager for six years I had the DOB on my site many times and never got any violations for safety

  2. I know a good number of adults who should never be allowed any where near a construction site, let alone kids. Scarano has a whole lot more to worry about that whether the developer’s kids are riding on fork lift.

  3. This is the first time I can recall disagreeing strongly with Brownstoner and I’ve been a Brownstoner addict for a couple years.


    Brownstoner, I know you’re a father and all, but holy cow, you need a beer or two ASAP!

  4. what an entertaining thread!

    this reminds me of the michael jackson hanging the kid off of the balcony outrage last year or whenever it was –

    i hate to be harsh, but the person who actually took time out of their day to pull out the digi and document this atrocity – and then to sprint home and punctuate it with photoshop flourishes – needs to be confronted and quarantined ASAP for the general health of the borough –

  5. Forget the kid–riding a pallet atop a fork isn’t OSHA approved….maybe architects aren’t responsible for all the jobsite safety issues, but as the senior professional on the project, this one isn’t setting a reasonable example.

  6. I’m curious are the same people that are complaining about this dad bringing his kid to work the same ones who think its so much fun to bring their kids with them when they go drinking…

  7. at the top of the comments, I was in the “no big deal” camp, but now, at the bottom, I’m in the this Dad is crazy camp. This is not a cherry picker / scissor lift these two are riding on kids (i.e. designed to carry people), it’s a glorified forklift, and they are riding on the forks after putting a piece of wood between them. This is STUPID. This machine isn’t meant to lift people, never mind children. Did this idiot actually make one of his workers lift him and his kid up from ground level on this contraption? (fyi he’s not operating any controls in ‘front of him- they are just holding on)
    This scene is the definition of “accident waiting to happen” aka “it was all fun & games until someone got hurt”

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