buildingA reader dug up this rendering of a six-story residential building slated to rise at 639 6th Avenue. Interestingly, this was one of the South Slope projects that community activists tried to stop; in the end, developer David Angel was able to win over the BSA to his hardship argument. One thing not included in the promotional shot above: The bountiful views of the BQE.
Residential Projects: 6 on 6th [daSilva Architects] GMAP

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  1. Look “Erkle” or whatever you’re calling yourself , lots of folks call the frame houses home, so cool it… most of the frame houses on my block are well- kept and quite charming.

  2. Oh, another thing…they talk about the lovely little NYC Park next door (to the left in the rendering, next to the expressway, ahem). Well, that “lovely little park” is going to be pretty barren after all the sycamore trees (some topping 40′ in height) all die due to the 20+ deep basement and the major trim job of their branches needed to accommodate the building. So, there goes the contextual nature of the block AND the little amount of green space. Damn shame.

    Here’s to progress!

  3. Anon 6:36pm

    I agree. He’s just looking for a rise outta some of us folks…but he hits my buttons sometimes. Enuff said.

    Funny thing is, after battling this development for close to a year at the BSA, I do agree that it’s a nice looking building, it just does not need to be 6 stories.

  4. Regardless of whether you like the building or not, style or not, 6th on 6th is a bunch of BS from the BSA…the developer misrepresented himself in court (gee, big surprise!).

    He and his talented attorney (and I mean that in all seriousness, she won the case on a shoe string of hope) basically portrayed Mr. Angel “as a poor country bumpkin” who was to suffer “terrible hardship” due to his mistakes of hiring a BS contractor who accruing tons of SWO’s, DOB/ECB violations for unsafe work (basically getting shut down for months) and the architect and engineer almost walking off the job. Boo-hoo. Can’t make enough profit under the new zoning, thus the BSA approved the variance based on hardship…regardless of the fact he only had less the 20% of the foundation in prior to the rezoning. Money talks, and BS at the BSA definitely did not walk.

    Guess what, he one. Kudos. Here’s another, the country bumpkin has a 20+ unit in progress (for the PAST 2 YEARS) on 16th St. in the South Slope. Riddled with violations and stop & start construction. And wait, if we wiggle through the Developers Group site, we see Mr. Angel has a 12 story condo up in Chelsea, name The Slate Condos.

    Some country bumpkin. Turns out Mr. Angle sound a very lucrative real estate management biz in Portland, OR before selling and descending on Brooklyn.

    Listen, everyone is entitled to make a buck, but here again we see developers get away with dangerous work conditions (on 2 of his 3 sites), by pass the law and misrepresent themselves in front a city tribunal (the BSA). Felony anyone?

    Only if you get caught. “6th on 6th Condos,” welcome to the ‘hood. Enjoy your great view of the Expressway! The car exhaust alone will keep those lovely terraces vacant, despite the the view.

    Hey Eryximachus, please do us all a favor, STFU and leave the nabe alone. Let’s all agree to understand that you feel our nabe should be fire bombed. No need to waste anyone’s time with your one-sided, myopic, unconstructive (pun intended) rhetoric.

    But here’s a question, where’s your next target?

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