A reader performs a little citizen journalism in documenting this bit of shoddy workmanship on Madison between Bedford and Nostrand.

I’ve seen a few sheets of poorly installed and finished sheetrock in my time, but this takes the cake, man. The use of this product that hates water on an exterior, even for two minutes, is totally outrageous. They didn’t even use greenboard!

Looks to us like somebody forgot a window!

UPDATE: We added a close-up photo below.


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  1. They are obviously just putting up the sheetrock to show what the bldg could look like, so they can try to generate sales leads before doing the real exterior work. That’s why everything is uneven, etc. — just a placeholder.

  2. Ys- it should be quite interesting to watch the siding or facade slide down the front after the first big rain. Anyone know what’s behind the sheetrock? there is something behind the sheetrock, right?

    Can’t imagine this is a professional because he certainly should know about sheetrock. Either he is doing it because he is way too cheap to care, or he thinks a little tyvek will fix everything.

  3. The outside is the NEW inside design school! Yes, tape the joints and a coat of paint, maybe some faux stone finish using a sponging technique. Give them some time to hang the drapes on the outside… instead of using shutters……..

  4. Shahn, thats what the B.S.A. is for… compensate builders for their lack of “inteligent design” by granting them zoning variances. 400 15th street, 1638 8th Avenue………….

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