development development development
development development
Curbed posted news from a reader this morning that some of the new buildings going up north of McCarren Park are going to be rentals, a possible sign of cooling demand in the once-hot area. What struck us when we popped by a couple of weeks ago was how all these buildings are looking the same down to the gray bricks. We weren’t surprised to learn that they are all being built by the same company, Tahoe Development. How do people feel about so many similar buildings clustered together?
Greenpoint Heat Cooling Down? [Curbed] GMAP

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  1. Wow I suppose we should all be happier that all the people who can’t afford Manhattan are moving to Williamsburg.
    How did they even know about this place?

    I just think these buildings may look daft/outta place in a half a decade or two and the buyers will move on… just before the tax abatement ends. Also, I presume they aren’t the family types (yet). Anyway these types of high buildings won’t be built again I think due to the re-re-zoning laws and when the old industry still remains it may get a bit tiresome for some people…

    Not to say gentification is simply bad I think that when people do buy they are much more invested in the neighbourhood… cleaner/safer etc i hjust wonder who is buying them and how long they are going to stay…?

    Evidently though some people don’t care about the future of a neighbourhood and dare i say it’s past too much…

    except Michael Bloomberg… sorry thats weird.


  2. The discounts werent that “deep” – they still all paid over 600k for the #2 units. You forgot to mention that almost ALL the #1 units went OVER ASK ! As for the disolored bricks – WHAT TO DO ???!!!!???? OMG – bricks actually got dirty in NYC ?????? Maybe they should tear it down and build it over again – retaining YOU as a consultant.

  3. 10 months? Ha! I remember those last desperate attempts to pawn off the 2nd floor units (read deep discounts). And it was marketed early in a still strong market (2005). I have to say, those discolored bricks on the side look so sexy now.

  4. Who the f… care how poeple feel?
    What is it? a coop city? last time I checked it is a capitalist one.
    The developer did what they did and that’s it period. You don’t like it tought luck switch the channel! stop this nonesense as if you “brownstoner” owns this town or have anything to say.

  5. all of these buildings will hopefully have affordable rent after the developers realize the supply is far more than the demand for tall cookie cutter inland mini highrises. then those people who want passers by to view thier boring lives and fancy furniture through the fish tank glass can do so cheaper.

  6. I disagree w/ 2:39/2:41– it’s a fun, funky area, but I can’t see folks who want to live in a glass box like this loving that part of Greenpoint. It’s again the disconnect between neighborhood and developers’ concept of what people in that area want.

  7. One of the Tahoe properties has a stop-work order as the result of a DOB audit. Its the mid-block property on Newton Street, just off Manhattan.