Where Does a Tree Stand in Development Hierarchy?
What do you do if you’re trying to put up a building next to a city park and some pesky tree branches get in the way? If you’re David Angel and the address is 639 Sixth Avenue, you amputate now, ask questions later. To bad for him that a neighbor who happens to quite like…

What do you do if you’re trying to put up a building next to a city park and some pesky tree branches get in the way? If you’re David Angel and the address is 639 Sixth Avenue, you amputate now, ask questions later. To bad for him that a neighbor who happens to quite like Mayrose Park and the old sycamore tree that has stood in it for decades. The Parks Department has handed out a summons already (which can go on the wall next to the outstanding DOB violation for work without a permit), but the really rub is that for the building to reach its full height the canopy of the tree will have to be substantially destroyed. We’re a little hazy on the rules and procedure in a situation like this. Anyone case to fill us in?
Illegal Tree Pruning [Flickr] GMAP DOB
just think how much the less work there would be for everone if all bklyn trees were to be cut down..i hate sweeping up leaves.
nice tree, but it was encroaching the property line and until you pay your neighbors property tax its not your property. Simple rules any tree limbs that overhang a property line are allowed to be cut. The tree will look different but it will still be green and leafy I have seen street trees more severly trimmed than that.
NYC’s Affordable Housing Center website:
Mostly based on different % of median incomes for the entire City or borough. Numbers are ALWAYS up to determination and debate…especially when they have added Westchester to the mix of household incomes in some cases.
I support lost in brooklyn 100% and have lived here long enough and met enough people to know that his views are representative of the neighborhood and some of the other vile trash posted here must be by the developer or his familiars.
As for what is affordable, how about checking census data for average income in these tracts and extrapolating how much of a rent/mortgage those numbers could support? That should demonstrate that nothing built around here is affordable, and the preponderance of one-bedrooms should demonstrate that nothing being built is designed for housing for residents.
define “affordable housing” what are the numbers?
everything is relative to one’s situation.
Anon 2:59pm
?????? is right? Who said anything about only wanting low income people?
We said “affordable housing” so folks like yourself can own your “slice of the pie” like the rest of us in the ‘nabe, whether you be a home owner, condo/coop owner, landlord, etc.
$600-700K for a 1,000 sq. ft. condo, does not sound “affordable” to me.
Turning to condo buyers: I want to know why there so some much hatred for people seeking to buy a condo. They are portrayed as rich do nothing.
All condos buyers are not in the same income bracket
Many were not born into the middle class
Who is defined as low income or middle income?
Who is defined as low class or middle class?
What kind of neighbors and what kind of income does this nabe want?
As someone who has worked hard all their life in order to buy a slice (not the whole pie) of the American pie.
I was low income almost my whole life, strived to make more $ in order buy not rent. Then when you finally get to an income where you can buy “a sliceâ€, people jump up and down and say no we what low income people.
Very simple solution…hire someone who knows something about trimming trees. NOT SOME IDIOT WITH A SAW-ZALL.
In you really lived in the nabe, you would know that cutting street trees is just the tip of the iceburg. There is a climate of disrespect among some piss ant developers who having nothing but contempt for those who happen to live next door to one of their goldmines.
Section 8 housing? Sure, if it was being built by someone who knew his asshole from a hole in the ground!
reminder: mind your own business