Longtime Owner Plans Two Small Apartment Buildings on Union Street in Gowanus
We found this schematic on the construction fence at 485 Union Street the other day, where a four-story, three-family building is planned, according to a new building permit partially approved in November. It’s configured as a duplex over two apartments, with a garage in the rear. Architect and engineering firm AE Design Solution is the applicant…

We found this schematic on the construction fence at 485 Union Street the other day, where a four-story, three-family building is planned, according to a new building permit partially approved in November. It’s configured as a duplex over two apartments, with a garage in the rear.
Architect and engineering firm AE Design Solution is the applicant of record. Anthony Mannino, one of the longtime owners, is the developer. An identical building is planned next door at 483 Union Street, according to another new-building permit.
The adjoining empty lots at 475, 477, 497 and 481 Union Street belong to the same owner, but we could not find any recent new-building permit filings for them. None of the properties have changed hands recently.
Long ago these lots were owned by New York City, which sometimes means some kind of affordable housing is planned, although we see no other indication of that here. A three-story red brick house stands at No. 475.
The empty lots previously contained sheds, according to PropertyShark. GMAP
This will be an improvement for this corner in Carroll Gardens.