This 5-story residential building on Dean between 3rd and 4th avenues hasn’t attracted much fanfare, but we’ve take a shine to its retro stylings. Aside from the metallic bands around the windows, the brick facade blends in almost seamlessly with the warehouse next door, and the design’s even included those iron stars common in older warehouses. DOB filings show this is a 20-unit project, though we’re not sure whether it’s going to be a rental or a condo. Anyone privy to the details? GMAP DOB

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  1. It is definitely condos. There is a very similar (in size and back view) building on Bergen one block south. That is condos, built about 3 years ago I think. The front facade looks different (balconies in front as well) but this will be condos – especially with those back balconies.

    Wonder how many bedrooms?

  2. Why do we think it’s condos? Isn’t it right next to a growing public school that is having a food fight over space? Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t this abut the building with the new Arabic middle school, the Upper Carrol Middle School and maybe even a small high school? Perhaps this is being annexed to the school. Cinder block walls between each room? Do the room sizes match the windows?

    I bet it is a school.

  3. This is really an interesting project. Great work and great design. I have also followed this for a while. I think they are going to be condos. I base it on the quality of the work that one sees. I think the big question is in fact the back of the building. If you walk up Bergen St. you will that there are nice balconies to each apartment. Outdoor space in NYC! A big plus. Having said that they all over look a huge yellow cap depot. The cap depot sits on a prime development site. If I were to buy one of these sweet looking lofts, I would do some research to find out what the intentions are with the cap depot. Does anyone know?

  4. I live down the street and have watched this bldg go up over the past 2 yrs. Painfully slow construcion but I gotta say, they have built this thing as strong as a brick #$%*house. Cinderblock walls not only separate apts from hallways and neighoring apts, but room to room! It’s a real labor of love for someone.