DBP Does Its Five-Year Vision Thing
As we post this, the Downtown Brooklyn Partnership is about to begin briefing to the media about the five-year vision for the downtown area, loosely defined as the Flatbush corridor leading from the Manhattan Bridge to what the proposed Atlantic Yards project. The briefing may be a little anti-climactic though, since DBP gave The Post…

As we post this, the Downtown Brooklyn Partnership is about to begin briefing to the media about the five-year vision for the downtown area, loosely defined as the Flatbush corridor leading from the Manhattan Bridge to what the proposed Atlantic Yards project. The briefing may be a little anti-climactic though, since DBP gave The Post the scoop a day early. What you see above are the envisioned transformations of two spotsthe Metrotech area and the BAM Cultural Districtthat ran in the paper this morning. The article also trots out a lot of big numbers:
• $9.5 billion
• 56 projects
• 14,300 new residential units
• 35,000 new residents
• 1,800 hotel rooms
• 3.2 million s.f. of commercial
The thing we were most interested to see, however, was the glimpse of the Flatiron-shaped BFC tower currently rising at the southeast corner of Myrtle and Flatbush; we’ve been trying to get a look for a while but the developer has been closely guarding the finished product. You can check out two not particularly close-up views on the jump.
B’klyn Reaches for The Skies [NY Post]
Downtown Brooklyn Renderings [NY Post]
Downtown Brooklyn Video [NY Post]
2:47 (who came back to give a lesson at 3:56):
“…elected officials should ignore some of their constituents sometimes. If they ignore too many they they will be held accountable come reelection time.”
You seem to fit the profile of someone who probably turns on the tube the minute he wakes up and the minute he walks in the door after work. Do I hear “privileged boomlet”, Anyone?
I don’t mean to sound “The What”-ish here, but some of us are going to have a VERY RUDE awakening when the dookie going on already out there really starts to hit home hard and impacts us all palpably. It’s not just urban myth…people really DID jump out of windows after the 1929 Crash.
I’m sorry you seem to think the once-every-four-year-election is the only time we can/should have a say in the way those elected run the government…very sorry indeed.
I was born and raised in Brooklyn. I know all about the neighborhoods, and I think there are certainly areas (like downtown) that could use some tall buildings. Even when this project is complete, the majority of Brooklyn will remain low-rise.
Metrotech has had a lot of empty space. Heard that Keyspan wanted to give up but couldn’t leave politcally. City offices (FDNY) have taken up space. Just like other Ratner buildings (mall), his political friends bail him out.
To 2:23 PM Guest,
The low rise character of Brooklyn does a lot to promote the sense of neighborhood that is so prevalent in Brooklyn and lacking in Manhattan. The high rise areas of Manhattan are sterile and that’s not what a lot of people want for Brooklyn.
11:37 you mean 6 lanes total from both ways not 6 lanes on each side, the city has 4 to 5 lanes one way, big difference in the flow on traffic,
2:47 here. Yes elected officials should ignore some of their constituents sometimes. If they ignore too many they they will be held accountable come reelection time. If they are reelected (as both Bloomy and Marty were) then one can assume the majority of the people agree with their policies. This is how the system was designed to work. It is not a direct democracy. Sorry.
“Does anyone every discuss the vacancy issue Metrotech has been plagued with over the years?!”
No, because Metrotech doesnt have a vacancy issue – it is a very successful development by virtually any measure.
“Are the buildings being designed, spec’d and construction managed to be highly efficient, not just “LEEDS” compliant? Me thinks not.”
Me thinks you dont have any idea what LEEDS is….Leeds is the most commonly accepted benchmark for rating building’s efficency and sustainability.
As for the Q train at 8:30- try going 30min earlier -its empty.
Lovely 2:47! Yes, e-l-e-c-t-e-d officials should i-g-n-o-r-e their consituencies. WONDERFUL…
The era of the “Infallible Executive”…Executive Privilege…
Noblesse Oblige…
There’s no arguing with people such as 2:15 and the oh-so-loquacious FG/TGL. Just ignore them. It’s what Bloomberg and Marty do and so far it has been working.