340court.JPGRather than spend months embroiled in a bitter battle with neighborhood residents, According to the Brooklyn Eagle, The Clarett Group has decided to compromise on its plans for 340 Court Street, until recently the International Longshoremen’s Association building. Although Clarrett (which is the developer behind the Forte and an advertiser on Brownstoner) can build up to 21 stories on the site as of right, Assemblywoman Joan Millman announced at a community board meeting on Wednesday night that the developer pledged to limit the height to six or seven stories. Clarett plans to build one building with 30 to 40 condos and five additional townhouses; the company is also looking to place a commercial tenant—possibly a grocery store—on Court Street. Clarett’s plans for the property have been a particular point of concern to Carroll Gardens residents worried about the height of new developments in the neighborhood and have contributed to a push for a rezoning—a rezoning that, as Gowanus Lounge reports today, doesn’t seem to be on City Planning’s front burner.
Real Estate Round-Up [Brooklyn Eagle]
Burden to Carroll Gardens: Rezoning Will Take a While [Gowanus Lounge]
Will Clarett Think Big in Carroll Gardens? [Brownstoner] GMAP

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  1. Seems the result is about the density of the “Towers” over off of Hicks and further down in Brooklyn Heights. Some of the best buildings around maybe 130 years old thats context. And, if he got his FAR and/or more how is it a victory for the NIMBYs. Sounds more like a defeat for the NIMBYs. I think you can see how muddled and blurred the political sides are in the development debate. That you can’t decide to apportion either praise or blame for Joan Millman only shows that she is doing her job.

    However, merely on eloquence and a reasoned sequence of argument G-Man going away.

  2. What I say to BENSON and all of the other development cowboys is — Look out!!! Its a new day in development of Brooklyn!!!
    This is the ultimate example of the free market system working. Clarett is compromising because its good business not because they are such nice guys.
    Carroll Gardens has finally started to get its act together and protect its character.
    Chalk one one up for the NIMBY Thugs!!!!

  3. Benson, do you know Cb2 member Anthony Ibelli, who calls cyclists “thugs on two wheels?” (streetsblog 11/12). Maybe you could compare notes.

    btw, don’t know which Park Slope you inhabit, but views like those are anathema here. Watch out you don’t get run over by militant lefty stroller moms (or cyclists ;).

  4. So The Real Deal ran with the Brooklyn Paper’s story about a proposed 21 story tower…

    Where is the 21-story thing coming from again? I can’t find any conclusive statements about a plan to build something like that.

    So Millman is fighting against an imaginary demon to advance her standing, Clarett and L&M look like they’re shining pilars of compromise, and the CG community gets ammo for a rezoning fight. Uh yeah – talk about the potency of irrational fear.

  5. My, my, people certainly are touchy.

    Thuggish behaviour??? Nahhhh…perish the thought!!!

    I’ll look forward to further hot air about the “lack of affordable housing” and “getting people off the roads”.


  6. Benson,

    You seem to have a bod combination of not understanding how zoning laws work and having deep “conspiracy theory” issues. People are pointing out that Clarett never proposed to a 21-story tower – because this article makes that assertion, and there is no backup to prove it. People are praising Joan Millman, because in general she seems to be a good representative of the public. It’s very easy to paint all developers as greedy bastards and all politicians as incompetent and corrupt, but it’s more important to let people know when the developer is actually thinking about how to fit into the neighborhood and when a politician is actually representing the interests of her neighborhood.

    It’s kind of sad that the only way to be “authentic” is to disparage developers and politicians and anyone who comes to their defense on the few occasions where the negative comments are undeserved gets labeled as a shill or a member of a conspiracy.

    And as for your zoning analysis: A 21-story tower would only cover a small portion of this site. That’s how a 6-story building that covers most of the site could be as many Square feet as a tower. It’s really very simple and you should probably be embarrassed that it needed to be explained to you.

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