tish163wash.jpgAt last night’s pre-BSA hearing, the Community Board 2 land use committee voted unanimously to recommend against granting a variance to the developer of 163 Washington Avenue for a 17-story building that no longer conforms to the new zoning rules for the area that went into effect at the end of July; the committee did not buy the developer’s argument that the foundation was “substantially complete” when the new zoning went into effect. Several people from the neighborhood (including Councilwoman Tish James, shown here with a rendering of the proposed project at Monday night’s Fort Greene Association meeting) spoke against the 163 Washington project. A neighbor who claims her building has sprung multiple cracks since the project also voiced her objection. At the same session, the board voted in favor of allowing a first-time developer to build his five-story building at 72-76 Grand Avenue five feet higher than the new code permits. Both votes are only recommendations, so both developers still have to go in front of the BSA.
Clinton Hill Rezoning Rejects Pitch BSA Bail-Out To CB2 [Brownstoner]
Council Approves Three Rezonings (Map) [Brownstoner]
FG/CH Vesting: The Winners and Losers [Brownstoner]
Race Against Clock at 163 Washington [Brownstoner]
163 Washington Avenue: GMAP P*Shark DOB
72-76 Grand Avenue: GMAP P*Shark DOB

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