Despite the fact that The Sanctuary development at 264 Cumberland in Fort Greene has had a Stop Work Order on it since the beginning of the year, the developers have continued to buy Google ads promoting the conversion. The conversion of the former church and adjoining townhouse looks pretty straightforward so we were curious about what the hold up could be about. Turns out it has something to do with the man who’s brought you so many other Stop Work Orders: Scarano. Given that a church does lend itself to the creation of mezzanine spaces, this isn’t really that surprising, is it? GMAP P*Shark DOB

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  1. I’ve seen the layouts of this place. Very odd. The top floor units in the church have no real windows. I can’t believe anybody would buy them, much less that the fire dept. would okay it. And the developer has made super small units throughout. But bad decisions too, so I don’t think he will get the kind of money he could have gotten if he didn’t try to jam people in there like sardines.

  2. When is Scarano going to be run out of town? In my neighborhood of Carroll Gardens there is the place on Carroll Street that is just lingering too due to a stop wortk order. There is talk of taking the top section of that building down because Scarano pulled a fast one there too.