At the Walk Don’t Destroy Brooklyn fundraiser held Saturday by Develop Don’t Destroy Brooklyn, DDDB announced that it would file another lawsuit today against the Atlantic Yards development project, this time regarding “the failure of the Empire State Development Corporation to issue a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement in response to changes in the project,” according to the Atlantic Yards Report. This lawsuit, sponsored by 19 community organizations, joins two other major lawsuits currently in the courts, both co-sponsored by DDDB: the massive eminent domain case and the MTA case. Update: DDDB along with 19 other community groups did in fact file suit earlier today. Read all about it here.
DDDB: New Lawsuit Challenging Atlantic Yards [AYR]
Atlantic Yards: Suit Filed Against MTA [Brownstoner]
Oral Arguments over Eminent Domain at Atlantic Yards [Brownstoner]
Photo by Tracy Collins

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  1. Just an arena, one short office building (30 stories) for related business. Plus 20 story residences, including middle-income. No ugly Gehry post-atomic bomb designs (the emperor has no clothes). Enhance the neighborhood, not overwhelm it!

  2. Babs, you are a moron. The Unity Plan has no funding and corey is correct in saying that if it were ever attempted, the same DDDB zealots would protest it out of existence. Rest assured all, AY will happen, and soon.


  3. Gotta say – babs has a point. Nobody could do a Peter Cooper Village / Stuy Town scale development today by themselves, but we could easily have a Battery Park City or Riverside South style development with numerous developers following a master plan.

  4. The reason the Unity plan is feasible is precisely because it breaks the site down into several independent project/developers, so it’s not an “all or nothing,” or “all or arena and parking lots” proposition.

  5. “Babs” if you really think that the UNITY Plan is going to happen, maybe YOU’RE the one living in fantasy land.

    I think the chances of me getting a NBA championship parade up Flatbush are better than the chances of the UNITY Plan seeing the light of day

    Large scale development in New York City is damn near impossible to accomplish (Hudson Yards, Lower Manhattan, Willets Point, etc.). There are waaaaay too many conflicting opinions and navigating the political, regulatory and financial hurdles are just too many stars to align.

    Rest assured, if (when) AY goes down in flames and the proponents of the UNITY plan try to move forward, and some other group will pop up protesting and litigating against the UNITY plan…and the fighting will continue for years and years into the future. I’ve said it on this board before and I will say it again, if (when) AY goes down, the corner of Flatbush and Atlantic will certainly be a hole in the ground for the rest of our collective lives…

  6. I like that idea of glass towers too- I see no reason why the footprint has to necessarily be contextual materials wise. Just not monstrous. Gehry’s building on the Westside is very beautiful.