After sitting almost-vacant for years, the Carlyle Group-owned Atlantic Telecom Center at 470 Vanderbilt Avenue in Fort Greene will be going residential if negotiations with City Planning conclude without a hitch. Although details are sketchy at this point, we’re hearing that the D.C.-based private equity firm has recently brought in a new partner to reposition the property, which currently has some 700,000 square feet of unleased space. We’re also hearing that there could be some office, retail and possibly cultural space in the mix—in addition to several hundred rental apartments. No word on whether there will be an affordable housing component but we’re betting there will have to be to make the deal politically palatable. This could be just the boost this beleaguered stretch of Fulton Street needs. GMAP P*Shark

What's Your Take? Leave a Comment

  1. Aha! I always knew that something ominous was going on in that building. Finding out the The G.W. bush / Saudi, Bin-Laden backed Carlyle Group owns it makes me feel all warm inside. Don’t be surprised if they find disappeared people in the basement.

  2. During WWII this building was known as the “Schraeder Building” maker of tires. That moniker actually remained on the building through the early 70’s. Then it was converted to offices and failed. Manu-facturing is dead. Offices need quick transportation links and a nexus of people. Net result indicates the only realistic use is for housing. If the government kicks in cash for this huge building there better be real affordable housing. Two blocks west sits a 30 story NYCHA monster on Carlton and Atlantic. I predict rental housing as this is no condo site. “Newswalk” condos sit two blocks south, across the street from the proposed Ratner monstrosity, and resales are real difficult. To try to market this site (north of the yards) as anything other than a rental will be a stretch. My two cents.

  3. Let’s turn this into public housing for trash to come in and ruin!

    1:34 is an asshat.

    4:19 is a fucktard.

    5;35 is a god. All hail.

    Suck it, slopers

  4. ^^^ says the lazy, high school drop-out, never paid taxes (except sales tax!), never read a book, and never wore running shoes, as he eats pasta again for the seventh day this week with his mom and complain about the fancy people moving in with their fancy education.

  5. @1:34 How did you come to your conclusions regarding who I am? First of all, I live in Brooklyn Heights, I don’t own a car, I’m in very good shape, I work out, do the half marathon and yes, I do work in the city. Your deduction skills are undeveloped and perhaps you should stfu if you don’t know what you’re talking about regarding a specific person.

    I think creating homes and tall buildings are not evil. I do hate people like you though — always jealous of your neighbors shinny new things, jealous of the things you can’t get, jealous of other peoples happiness and on and on. You’re bitter, you hate your life, you hate living here, and so you must lash out.

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