
Blissville, once a thriving bucolic community, is one of the darkest sections of the fabled Newtown Creek. Named for Greenpoint’s Neziah Bliss who – with Eliaphet Nott – founded the community in Newtown during the early 19th century, Blissville was once what we would call “affordable housing” for the industrial laborers of Bliss’ operations on the…

Everybody knows that the path to take when transiting from Hunters Point in Long Island City to Brooklyn’s Greenpoint and Williamsburg is the Pulaski Bridge. The bridge is of September 1954 vintage, it’s a double bascule drawbridge, and was erected under the supervision of NYC Commissioner of Public Works Frederick Zurmuhlen – who served under three…

In its own way, the area surrounding Dutch Kills is actually quite a lovely place – as storied industrial centers which have seen better days go. Dutch Kills is a Queens tributary of that languid cautionary tale known as the Newtown Creek, and has been isolated for several seasons from maritime utility by failing railway…