The photo at top is the exterior of 136 Metropolitan Avenue, the site of the future Williamsburg movie theater from about six weeks ago; the bottom photo was taken of the interior this week by the intrepid justiNYC. We can’t imagine a scenario in which this venture would not be a smashing success. The burgers are jonesing for their own theater.
Catching Up in the Burg: Movies and Manufacturing [Brownstoner]
The Future Home of Cinema in W’burg [justiNYC]

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  1. we had a perfectly fine movie theatre on the southside (cnr or broadway and rodney). then the hasids bought it and now it’s a filthy boarded up dump. apparently, one of the big theatre chains (clearview?) had been approached with a proposal to buy it a couple of years ago when it was available, they shot down the idea of taking it over, spiffying it up, and show a mix of artsy films for the burgeoning hipster population, and more “accessable” stuff the rest of the community. one of their contentions was like, “there’s all these movie theatres for people to go to in manhattan…” I remember when it was still in operation, even though all they showed was like, j-lo and action films, it was alway full.