A Flatbush resident recounts a tale of woe concerning her beloved oak tree. Her neighbor, a local temple, wasn’t fond of the tree’s branches. The rest in her words: “I came home today at 11 AM to find a whole crew of people all over my lawn and driveway chopping up the big huge branches they had already chopped off the tree. This seems very wrong. Shouldn’t they have at least asked me before climbing up the tree and chopping big parts off? This is a venerable old oak that has been here I am going to guess for more than 100 years. The deed was done by the time I got home &#8212 but they (the crew) were still out on my lawn, chain-sawing the branches into bits and pieces. Add this to the fact that the temple’s compressor runs loudly night and day &#8212 even when it is 55 degrees out and the temple has the windows open… And the senior center food garbage is a stinky mess that leaks out some pretty nasty luiquid onto the sidewalk (where my one year old child walks). I really need some help &#8212 how I can exert a little pressure on the temple to act more like good neighbors?? The tree, the noise, the garbage &#8212 it is really bad.” BTW, she called the police, who “were completely uninterested.”

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  1. We all agree that trees are beautiful and that they need periodic pruning. I think that it’s even healthiest for the tree to have a little taken off the top, bottom, etc. My question is (and only because I am bored): Doesn’t the city have to trim a tree on the sidewalk? Is this tree on the sidewalk? I guess that counts as “questions”. I think that if you trim a tree improperly and the tree dies, the city will actually sue you or something. I heard that once. Anyway, the tree looks pretty and it, just like people when they get haircuts, will look better when it’s not so fresh.

    As for the garbage. It leaks. It stinks.

    The best way to have a good neighbor is to be a good neighbor. That said, my next door neighbor is impossible.

  2. I’m totally talk off the top of my head from something I remember seeing on the news about a law being passed that businesses couldn’t run the A/C and leave the doors open to the stores (ring any bells anyone?).

    Wouldn’t the same apply to having the heat blasting and leaving the windows open?

  3. I’ve actually never called 311 and don’t advocate it just to be a nuissance but when something as egregious as this occurs you need to take as many measures as possible.

    Get creative in ways to annoy them!!!

  4. No wonder the courts are clogged. Cutting a few branches off a tree is likely a good thing for both your lawn and the tree. And you got it done for free.
    If they had asked you would have let them cut the branches? I think yes.

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