March 24, 2006 — Whole Foods Market said its new store in Brooklyn will be larger than previously expected, thanks to a redesign, but won’t require additional land. The original plan called for a 49,000-square-foot store to be located near the Gowanus Canal on a 2.1-acre site at Third Street and Third Avenue. The retailer has three Manhattan locations: a 60,000-square-foot store at Columbus Circle, a 34,000-square-foot store in Chelsea and a 50,000-square-foot store at Union Square. Published reports suggested that the Brooklyn expansion would require more land — a claim Whole Foods denies. It’s going to stay on that one lot, said Whole Foods spokesman Fred Shank., adding that it was too soon in the redesign process to know the store’s exact size.
Whole Foods Plans Bigger Store [Crain’s]
Gowanus Canal Photo by rsguskind.

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  1. I love that we have come SO far around the bend that a store selling organic high quality products is the bad guy. you are so post-hippie. this is feeling very meta…my head is spinning.
    by the way, bush is evil. but it doesn’t mean i like the co-op any better.

  2. Freedom fries rock, baby!

    I disagree with the poster who asserted that Whole Foods carries no products that consumers want. The store will do quite well, trust me. Especially if they sell freedom fries.

    I, too, think that the militaristic, paranoid co-op will suffer once Whole Foods opens. It’ll be nice to shop without having to pass multiple security checkpoints and then be lectured about the evils of Bush.

  3. i cant wait to get some “freedom fries”
    and finally get democracy
    escape the tyranny that is the park slope co-op.

    vive la pomme frite!

    Liberté, égalité, fraternité, ou la mort !

    how can we live under a regime that spies on its citizens and tortures its prisoners??

  4. grumpy bunch…what’s wrong with whole foods? you want another stinky associated that sells “organic” vegs that rot on day 2? that’s so cool of you. wow, you are really true to your values. maybe you should create an underground group of vegan taggers and spray paint “yuppie scum” across their walls when they open. that would be really cool.