Sumner-Armory-1208.jpgThat’s what Bed-Stuy residents have been asking ever since a strange flier began making its way through the neighborhood: Mayor Bloomberg has announced intent to close the Bellevue men’s shelter in Manhattan…the overflow of men (850) will be moved to the Sumner Avenue Armory along with the (350) men from the Atlantic Avenue Shelter…a large number of these men are dangerous felons…some are sexual predators, and some have mental conditions…homeless men are being bused into the Sumner Avenue Armory each night… Well, City Limits demystifies the rumors about the Armory, and the neighborhood’s adverse reaction to changes within it. Henry L. Butler, chairman of the neighborhood’s Community Board 3, contacted the Department of Homeless Services, who said no such thing was happening. That didn’t make residents feel better, especially since they’d seen homeless folk bused in to the building late at night. The problem, say residents, is that the shelter is supposed to be for working men, down on their luck, not, you know, criminals. And that was fine with them. In November, Bed-Stuyers met with DHS Commissioner Robert V. Hess, who explained that a few stragglers, who can’t fit in full shelters, get bused over to spend the night. So, what happens the next day? they asked Hess, who replied: They’re released the next morning and given Metro cards. That upset some who feared undesirable folks were left to wander the area; for others, the explanation was satisfying. What they’d really like is to see the Armory have a different kind of new life, more like the old. There was originally a bowling alley in there, a swimming pool, rifle range, horse stable, three catering halls, a gymnasium and a drill field the size of three football fields, all sitting there, not being used,” said one resident. “I have the blueprints.
What’s Up at the Armory? [City Limits]

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  1. A Metro card and a handshake? I know discussion about drycleaners is up there in priority, but did anyone connect the fatal stabbing of a bus driver….
    just throwing that out there;/

  2. Big Jugs, I stand corrected. I was given erroneous info. I must nitpick to say that there are still those who do not have relatives or friends, or live in Tier 2 shelters who cannot receive mail, etc. Those are the ones most likely to completely fall between the cracks, and the ones who need the most help.

  3. Montrose I have to wing myself off this site also.. I spend to much work time on here. I hope he keeps talking about Brooklyn Heights, Park Slope and other establish neighborhoods. To me it like talking about Manhattan UES… I know those places are great already. Nothing really adventurist about those places anymore… I am not really interested in those areas and it keeps me off this site. When Bedford Stuyvesant and Crown Heights even Clinton Hill are topics I am like a magnet.

  4. Montrose Morris is incorrect in stating that homeless people cannot receive public benefits. Plenty of shelter residents receive SSI, SSDI, TANF, and Medicaid. Those in tier II shelters can use the shelter address and many, many others use the addresses of friends or relatives. That does not mean that the lives of homeless individuals are peaches and cream, far from it, but to say that they cannot receive benefits is erroneous.

  5. Woah, Biff, I’m leaving THAT one alone, too.

    I’m actually a fun, generally non-serious person. Lately though, I’ve realized I waste a lot of time on this site, and since I no longer get paid for sitting in my office, whether I have work or not, I can’t do it anymore. I’m trying to limit my B’stoner time to once in the late morning, around lunch break, and then in the evening. If there are juicy topics, I’m in trouble. If I don’t, I’ll be here asking for donations to pay my mortgage. You know what Poley and the What would do with that one.

    Since I don’t have a car, I confess to not having a firm position on this. I do think no one (auto industry or consumer) does anything unless their backs are to the wall, but high gas prices adversely affect those who can least afford it. Ask those who have to live in the outermost part of the boroughs, poorly served by public transportation. They can’t afford to live closer, near public trans, so they have to drive more than someone who may have more money, but doesn’t need to drive. Like all of our quality of life issues, it’s complicated.

  6. I have a feeling MM won’t touch our debate with a 10 foot pole or a heavyset girl with a plaid shirt and cigs rolled up in her sleeve named Zytka. (Sorry, crossthread joke based on DIBS’ comment in the Condo of the Day).

  7. Montrose, this topic veered off topic when clearly the issue of the armory is a very important one.

    I’m sorry that Biff and I got into the oil / gas issue here.
    I’d actually love to hear your (Montrose’s) views on the gas topic. We also battled it out in yesterday’s closing thread if you want to chime in. You could be the voice of reason.

  8. “Have to endure it!!!! Have to endure it!!!! Yep, spoken like an informed and involved caring member of the working class.”

    I think you really misinterpreted this or I did a very poor job of making the point. I’m not for a second saying it’s fair or it’s right. If things really were fair and just, the working class would have had economical cars running on electricity or another energy source available decades ago. I wish as much as anyone there could somehow be a revolution in our energy dependence without anyone having to suffer or pay high gas prices. But I just don’t know if that is possible given we aren’t even close to it and now we’re in dire times energy wise. By having to endure it, I mean they are paying for the sins of the car companies, the gas companies, the government (through their inaction), the suburban builders (and those who flocked to suburbia). They are the ones who are being made to suffer. But I also don’t see the average consumer as totally without blame either. They’ve helped support the system for a long time. Please just try to see the movies I suggested.

    Anyway, I’m done too….

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