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  1. I don’t like the snide tone of that article. Shabnam and Daniel are good people, with their hearts in the right place. You may not agree with them, or think they’re deluded, but that’s no reason to laugh up your sleeve.

    I’d frankly prefer to read about these two in Vows instead of all the investment bankers “of Greenwich CT”

  2. Dan Goldstein needn’t worry about getting his wedding announcement in the NYT. It’s a very easy thing to accomplish, especially for those with yuppie credentials.

    It’s sad, though, that he can’t take a day off and simply let his wedding be the blessed event that such an occasion should be. The fact that he plans to use it to help further his anti-AY cause shows just how obsessed he has become with the project.

    And Ron Schiffman has lost touch. Does he really think that Ratner will work with him? Good luck with that one.