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  1. State Senator Daniel Squadron, State Assemblymember Joan Millman, and City Councilmember Stephen Levin have written BBP leadership to request the addition of the Community Advisory Council’s resolution — to this Thursday’s meeting agenda, June 5, 4 PM, at 334 Furman St — Please, please come!
    Have a position on Save Pier 6 before its too late! The petition now has over 1,600 signatures. (www.bit.ly/savepier6)

    June 3, 2014
    Regina Myer
    Brooklyn Bridge Park Corporation 334 Furman Street
    Brooklyn, NY 11201
    Dear Ms. Myer,

    We are writing regarding Brooklyn Bridge Park’s Request for Proposals (RFP) for housing development at Pier 6. As you know, we oppose the Bloomberg Administration plan for housing at Pier 6, and have long urged consideration of thoughtful alternative funding models. In addition, we have repeatedly urged a halt to the breakneck pace at which the RFP is moving forward, as well as advocated for robust community input in the planning for these sites in order to meet the neighborhood’s diverse needs.

    On May 27th, the Community Advisory Council met and adopted a resolution stating:
    “A review of the GPP, including but not limited to, the uplands of Pier 6, including the street grid, beginning with an immediate solicitation of public comments at a hearing and a review by DOT of the traffic flow, followed by a presentation to the public and public comment on an expedited basis, including building envelopes, surrounding plazas, and all related design elements of the Pier 6 uplands. This review does not mandate or preclude ULURP.”

    As appointing authorities, we formally request consideration of the CAC’s resolution be added to the June 5th Board meeting agenda before any selection is made on the Pier 6 RFP.

    We look forward to your timely response to this request. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
    Daniel Squadron, Joan Millman, Stephen T. Levin

    cc: Brooklyn Bridge Park Community Advisory Council Congressmember Nydia Velázquez
    Councilmember Brad Lander