New York Shipyard, Red Hook. Photo by Calla Lillie
Focus on Scarano Sign-Off [NY Daily News]
Net Foul on Ratner [NY Post]
Ratner Sues Over E-mails [NY Sun]
The Stroller Manifesto [Brooklyn Magazine]
C.B.A. at Atlantic Yards [The Real Estate]
Red Hook Picture Show [The Real Estate]
Living in Denial About Bubble [The Walk-Through]
Foreclosure Bus Tour [Michigan RE Blog]
Review: The Boulevard Tavern [L Magazine]

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  1. tough crowd…but to clarify, it was the chip shop in cobble hill, not park slope. this particular branch is predominantly a bar, and there is barely enough room for for a slim person to walk from the back to the front of the restaurant (a good 40ft), let alone someone with a stroller.
    i suppose one could think my story was a bit off if i were actually referring to the tiny branch in park slope, but i would never chose to stoop as low as some of you.

  2. I’ve even seen adults pushing their parents in wheelchairs through some very nice restaurants, and some of those restaurants have delivery or take out. Come on, no walkee, no servee.

  3. My first reaction to the stroller thing was that if you don’t like strollers, don’t go to Park Slope. It’s like my grandparents going to Florida and then complaining about all the old people.

  4. Oh my god!!!! sba did the guy really PUSH the STROLLER thru the restaurant??? How horrible, how did you manage to even stay and eat after such behavior?