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  1. My cleaning lady works six days a week and makes a bundle of money. For “some” reason, she only takes cash. Oh yeah, she also has a huge apartment subsidized by Section 8. I know because she actually bragged about it to me.

    Think she’s the only one not telling the government the truth about her income?

    For the first time, I actually agreed with Rob. There’s no question government handouts are “rife with fraud.” For every dollar they give to somebody who needs it, two dollars go to folks who are scamming the system.

    Of course that doesn’t mean the government should stop helping folks with nowhere else to turn, but unless we find a way to stop rampant abuse by folks like the women described in this article, every tax payer in the city will continue getting ripped off.

  2. rob- a lot of us really do like you but sometimes- jeesh. Why would you want to live your life so negatively? You. of all people, who seems to have pulled himself out of a rough childhood and got yourself a college degree. A double degree if I remember correctly. You have a job, you live in a good neighborhood- yet you never see all that.

  3. Rob, we were talking about the Nehemiah Houses yesterday SPECIFICALLY, not every damn housing program on earth. Your remarks were targeted at that project, attacking something you know nothing about, and you have no evidence to back up your position. You don’t even know how to go about applying for one of these houses, or what the criteria are. If you did apply, and you felt you were rejected out of hand, then neither I, nor anyone else, would fault you for complaining. In fact, you have never indicated that you’ve EVER applied for any of the housing lotteries or programs, and have been rejected. You have always just assumed they were rigged, or that you wouldn’t get anything. You just complain about being too poor, too unconnected, too single, too whatever. How about being PRO-active for once, instead of constantly re-active. Go out there and get something you want, instead of waiting for someone to bestow it on you.

    If you’d like to continue to be a whining child about this, we can do it all day, and you’ll end up with hurt feelings, because there are those who just love to knock you down a peg or two or ten. I am not interested in going there, so how about dropping the self righteous sarcasm?

  4. didnt i get a verbal beatdown yesterday for saying that the affordable housing programs, section 8, and NYCHA authority are RIFE with fraud? oooooh nooooo rooooob is dumb he knows nothing and is stupid and should not speak unless spoken to or unless he has a PhD on the topic.


  5. does anyone have one of those electric bikes? how do they work? how much pedaling, etc? how do you charge battery?

    gee, if watchtower left Brooklyn, think of all the condo conversions and all the property put back on tax roles?
    (of course we should tax all these religious groups anyway)

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