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  1. Olafur Eliason is killing trees with his art!!!??

    Well I have to say that I would much rather have a 32 year old tree than a temporary fake waterfall that’s half scaffolding. Shame on the Public Art Fund if these trees die!

  2. Just like people have cut back on driving, it’s time to lower the thermostat and wear sweaters inside. What about the practice of NYC schools that run heat during the spring and summer so they can keep their annual alloment up. Is that still done? I haven’t lived in NYC for over a decade and it was common practice in the past.

  3. Re: Man foound dead in bathtub. Can someone explain how the victim can have multiple stab wounds to the torso and yet “There is no criminality suspected”? Did the guy stab himself to death?

  4. re: NYTimes headline – Home Energy Prices Expected to Soar.
    They have already… sounds a bit late. I know plenty of people cheer the high cost of gasoline and laugh at the SUV owners…but the downside is plenty of eldery, poor and middleclass people will have tough time keeping warm this winter in very modest homes.