It Will Take $214 Million To Save Student MetroCards [Gothamist]
First Look at Bread and Butter [Brooklyn Heights Blog]
Y: Going Downhill? [Clinton Hill Blog]
Two Important Street Notices [All About 5th]
John Strong Sideshow Aims for Coney Island Comeback [Amusing the Zillion]
bqe / brooklyn bridge light. Photo by Barry Yanowitz from the Brownstoner Flickr Pool.

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  1. good points both of you…

    my heart is a cold one, but its melted with the student free metrocards thing… cuz most places you live in the US, you get free Bus rides to school, etc.. i dont know… would i like all students to skip school everyday cuz of this? hells yeah. i dont like them. they are nasty bugs. i used to call them crotchfruit, but these days i use the less offensive term of just bugs. they really ARE bugs. people breed and make BUGS! whatever, let them get back and forth to school for free. please? otherwise. they will be around the city at other times other than 9am and 3pm and 6pm. the three times that most crimes happen (ALL students for the most part). keep them contained in their little cages. but PLEASE? teach them to learn that education is their way out of their cages. something that is seriously failing in all major cities.

    nyc tho IS doing a better job with it than any other city in the US. so KUDOS 🙂

    people with kids have to accept the fact that people without kids and who dont want them (sorry but who wants to have to be subjected to living with a dependent turd for 18+ years. barf!)

    if people *Humans* got smart, they’d stop breeding us, cuz we all suck, and we are getting suckier.


  2. I dont understand how student metro cards are the responsibility of the MTA anyhow. Shouldnt this really be addressed by the board of ED or other city agency. If you want students to get discounted rides, the cost should be incurred by the agency/entity benefiting or making the request in my opinion.

    Its almost like the city saying we want low income people to get free bread, so all supermarkets have to give out bread at their cost. Doesnt make sense….

  3. I had to pay for the subway when I was a student and I lived like 4 miles from my high school. Seriously, if you’re getting a FREE education and you say you can’t even pay a half-price fare, you’re LYING.
    Ask anyone who works in a school, some children get as many as 5 cards issued to them a week. If there are so many students (or their parents, siblings, etc.) making a nice income from selling these cards most of that $214 Million is probably waste. This is what you get in any large bureaucracy, fraud and waste…

  4. hello – does anyone have clinton hill blog webmaster’s email address?

    i am a frequent visitor – but i believe there may be some sort of virus on her homepage… yikes! [whenever i visit the website, my work firewall/virus alert pops up a message.]
