Wednesday Blogwrap
Holiday Party/Toy Drive Tomorrow! [Bed-Stuy Blog] Holiday Gift Fipstravaganza: Day Three [FIPS] “Pay Your Fair!” Edition [Brooklyn Born] Big Moving Sale at Deluxa [Brokelyn] Poll: How Many Slices Is ‘Lunch’? [Serious Eats] Did 491 Six Wine Bar Bite the Dust Before Opening? [FIPS] J.S. French CLEANERS. Photo by flatbushnelson from the Brownstoner Flickr Pool.

Holiday Party/Toy Drive Tomorrow! [Bed-Stuy Blog]
Holiday Gift Fipstravaganza: Day Three [FIPS]
“Pay Your Fair!” Edition [Brooklyn Born]
Big Moving Sale at Deluxa [Brokelyn]
Poll: How Many Slices Is ‘Lunch’? [Serious Eats]
Did 491 Six Wine Bar Bite the Dust Before Opening? [FIPS]
J.S. French CLEANERS. Photo by flatbushnelson from the Brownstoner Flickr Pool.
that’s right suckas my first store!! Soon I will have a whole chain and move out of slummy BK. Fox 5 already called and would like to make a sitcom.
Yo Jack Slade – this is right up your alley!! (no homo)