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  1. Repealing Dont Ask/Tell is not going to change the the marriage laws in NYS. This is a state issue.

    The gay marriage proponent knew they pulled the trigger too early. They knew ahead of time that they did not have all the votes from downstate Dems let alone upstate Reps and Dems. Need a better plan next time.

  2. “totally ridiculous and only prehistoric humans would come up with such a stupid concept.”

    I actually agree with you on this one Rob – especially with how many people end up getting divorced nowadays and with how much cheating amongst married couples I’ve observed I don’t really understand the point (unless you’re marrying up, and planning on divorcing them and taking half their shit)

  3. outlaw heterosexual marriage and call it a day. “marriage” someone asked if it’s 1889 and not 2009. exaaaaaactly. what an antiquated concept marriage is. you shouldnt be able to legally bind yourself to another organism. totally ridiculous and only prehistoric humans would come up with such a stupid concept.

    therefore, i dont give a poop about gay marriage not getting passed in ny. 99.9 percent of gays wouldnt marry anyway.


  4. Pete, I agree with what bxgrl just said. He made a lot of promises during the campaign, but is moving at a less than glacial pace (in a time of melting glaciars, no less!), and isn’t even lending his voice in support of these issues, but for one speech full of more promises.

  5. I’m waiting to see what Obama will do re those promises. He has said he will rescind Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell and I think he will, but I feel he hasn’t come out strongly enough or quickly enough on these issues. But it is a bipartisan problem- cowards are on both sides of the aisle.

  6. wait a sec 11217…the health care reform bill (at least in 1 version passed by house) included provision that would not tax gay couples for health benefit received from partner. And also they are trying to get partner benefits for some federal employees. What the hell you think Obama can do without bring the whole administration down with rightwing republican backlash, propaganda, etc?
    Republican party depends on homophobia for votes. They are the ones throwing gays under the bus. Obama is not going to veto and gay rights legislation…..what republican out there that has any chance of becoming president would sign a bill to repeal DOMA or even vote for it?

  7. Obama should take part of the blame in addition to the New York Senate Dems. He’s basically thrown the gays under the bus.

    As for zero Republicans voting for the measure. Not shocking in the least.