The rumors you heard are true: Anthropologie is moving into Williamsburg. “It’s a match made in hipster heaven,” said Crain’s New York, which broke the story. They’re negotiating a lease for a 10,000-square-foot store at 242 Bedford Ave., the same retail complex where Whole Foods will be located between North 3rd and North 4th streets. (Above, an old rendering of the formerly stalled complex.) But that’s not all: Urban Outfitters has already signed at 102 North 6th Street between Berry and Wythe streets, next door to American Apparel. As you may recall, J. Crew is also rumored to be looking nearby. Other potential tenants for the Bedford complex, which will open next year, are Joe Fresh, New York Sports Club, and — drumroll, please — Citibank. (For those keeping track, Crain’s notes rents range from $185 to $225 a square foot on Bedford and from $70 to $100 a square foot on the side streets.) Well, there goes the neighborhood. Now we won’t ever need to leave Brooklyn again.
Hip Retailing Duo Flirts With Billyburg [Crain’s]

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  1. i AM from walnut creek, CA! and yes WB is essentially creating a hipster version of downtown dubC, cant wait for that California Pizza Kitchen!