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  1. The auction of the Bed Stuy place on Macon is troubling ne. The house is beautiful (at least from the outside). The owner was Dave Walker who was tracgically killed just under a year ago. http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/brooklyn/2008/10/21/2008-10-21_nice_guy_landlord_slain_in_brooklyn.html

    It seems pretty quick to me that a year after someone was killed that the city could move to auction both their properties (Macon & Hart). Given that this guy was only 47 and a corrections officer at one time, couldn’t they track down somebody who was related to him?

  2. That Hamill article is vitriolic, “yuppie scum”, yuppie “sh**s”. jeeze. And those stick ball players getting their knickers in a twist just becuase the police were watching them. What a bunch of wimps.

  3. Ahh, I see that Dennis Hamill is playing his usual shtick: class envy and resentment. We get it, Dennis, you and your brother Pete are “woiking men” from the old days. Please.

    Oh by the way, Dennis, maybe you want to explain to the people why you spend your free time hanging around certain folks who have a “reputation”, shall we say? You know who I mean Dennis, your pal who claims his full-time job is a music promoter.

  4. not for nothing, but why do people fetishize stickball so much? i picture a stickball game and the only thing that comes to mind are emaciated little charles dicken’s characters running around a dirty street with a mop handle.


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