Thursday Blogwrap
New York City Launches Campaign to Bring Tourists (Back?) to Williamsburg [NYO] Cool Brews, Whole Hogs Await at Bushwick’s New Arrogant Swine [Gothamist] Permits Filed: 15 Lafayette Avenue in Downtown Brooklyn [NYY] Neighbors Angered Over Kestrel Stencils [Kensington BK] Citing Numerous Complaints, Congresswoman Asks for Audit of Red Hook Post Office [Eagle] Willowtown Association Coup Ousts Park Community Council Rep for Pier 6…

New York City Launches Campaign to Bring Tourists (Back?) to Williamsburg [NYO]
Cool Brews, Whole Hogs Await at Bushwick’s New Arrogant Swine [Gothamist]
Permits Filed: 15 Lafayette Avenue in Downtown Brooklyn [NYY]
Neighbors Angered Over Kestrel Stencils [Kensington BK]
Citing Numerous Complaints, Congresswoman Asks for Audit of Red Hook Post Office [Eagle]
Willowtown Association Coup Ousts Park Community Council Rep for Pier 6 Litigant [BHB]
Domino Developers Tell Naysaying Neighbors to Expect a Pool and Park [B+B]
Your Guide to Greenpoint Open Studios [Greenpointers]
Should have waited. This is going to resell for almost double the 4.1 he got in March.