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  1. Not to mention that the senator-elect states, “I commend the Department of Corrections for agreeing to halt the proposed expansion,” when in fact (according to Curbed) the courts issued a temporary restraining order. At best, the agency acquiesced.

    TCulver, I think you could have linked directly to the Village Voice blog without a stop at No Land Grab.

  2. Re: not so fast on that jail.
    Take a look at this quote from our soon to be state senator-
    that I lifted from GowanusLounge.A statement from State Sen.-Elect Daniel Squadron says: “I commend the Department of Corrections for agreeing to halt the proposed expansion of the House of Detention pending further conversation with the community. I hope it is a sign that a new day of community input has dawned, and that we can make progress together toward replacing the jail with the affordable housing and middle school we so desperately need on this site.”
    I know we beat this to death yesterday – but OMG – Has Squadron even been to the site with speedway Atlantic Ave on one side -boulevard to Brooklyn Bridge on another. Real great crossings to get to school. And with the Criminal Court building with real violent street thugs coming and going on 3rd side (which is why HOD makes perfect sense for that spot) makes all that whining about StAnns next to fed parole office seem totally silly.
    I can’t believe he even said this. Ashamed to admit I voted for him.