Thursday Blogwrap
Blue House. Photo by archival. City Struggles to Reduce Glut of Parking Placards [Gothamist] The Pinky Building of Bedford Ave. in Bed-Stuy [GL] College Target: No superdelegates needed [Brooklyn Junction] Another Missing Gate In Carroll Gardens [Pardon Me for Asking] Is There a Park Slope in Denver? [OTBKB] Hidden Treasure: Sushi Okdol? [CH Blog] Cortelyou…

Blue House. Photo by archival.
City Struggles to Reduce Glut of Parking Placards [Gothamist]
The Pinky Building of Bedford Ave. in Bed-Stuy [GL]
College Target: No superdelegates needed [Brooklyn Junction]
Another Missing Gate In Carroll Gardens [Pardon Me for Asking]
Is There a Park Slope in Denver? [OTBKB]
Hidden Treasure: Sushi Okdol? [CH Blog]
Cortelyou Crocuses! [Flatbush Gardener]
Love it, 9:07; absolutely love it!
is it the truth that Citibank has just reduced their mortgage portfolio by 20%? is it the truth that the mortgage market is experiencing one or 2 major difficulties? am i crazy for thinking that is all bullshit? i think the sad, detached from reality crew are you fools who think your real estate investment is untouchable by the forces of gross economic mismanagement. pull your heads out of your asses and look around. the financial houses are collapsing. the investment banks are at multi-year lows. wake up and smell your coffee.
I honestly wonder how many of the pro-bubble-market ranters on the internet are trust fund kiddies with no concept for finance.
really? gone by there a million times and never noticed.
Love the blue house too. It’s on Union Street between 4th and 5th in Park Slope. It is quite jaunty.
It’s sad that the crazies and trolls post here out of all the blogs on the web, it would be even sadder if someone was paying them to do it 9:33.
So…he gets paid by total number of posts?
Looks like the conspiracy Moonbats have been hitting the kool-aid pretty hard.
Sadly throughout history, the true believers in their grotesque perception of the “truth” always are looking for the congratulatory pat on the head from Comrade Commissar (or similar figure) before receiving their complimentary bullet hole to the noggin.
I honestly wonder how many of the anti-market ranters on the internet are trust fund kiddies with no concept for finance.
Bankruptcy filings rose 18% in February. One of the big mortgage lenders, Thornburg, of Santa Fe, New Mexico, defaulted on a $320 million loan. Investors sold the stock. Just a week ago, it was a $12 stock. Now it’s a $3 stock.
Everything is getting ‘marked to meltdown,’ says the Wall Street Journal . Lenders approach a new loan as they might come upon the rim of an active volcano…worried that it might blow up in their faces at any minute. Yields on auction rate financing for municipalities and hospitals have almost doubled. And when the auctions fail, they can really explode. That’s why the Port Authority found itself paying a 20% rate on money it needed.