Construction continues on the corner of Strong Place and Kane Street in Cobble Hill, where Brennan Realty is building three Landmarks-approved neo-traditional townhouses. The first of the townhouses, 2A Strong Place, is a 3,720-square-foot five-bedroom, 3.5-bath home that’s entered contract after an asking price of $4,475,000. This house first hit the market last spring at $4,150,000, and the other two will be listed for sale in the fall, a spokewoman for Brennan Realty told us.

Designed by CWB Architects, the homes in the Cobble Hill Historic District are meant to resemble classic brick Brooklyn townhouses. Pictured above are the three townhouses at the corner of Kane Street and Strong Place. All three will have yards and there will be a carriage house in back on Kane Street with a studio and garage. Click through to the jump to see that part of the construction site.

Second Strong Place Townhouse Debuts [Brownstoner]

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