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A piece of facade and two stories of steel frame are all that remain of 10 MetroTech Center on Fulton Street, a former candy factory that Forest City Ranter converted to office space. Forest City plans to build apartments on the site between Hudson Avenue, Rockwell Place and Dekalb, but we don’t know much more than that. The seven-story, 359,000-square-foot structure was built in 1963, and the Internal Revenue Service, the city’s Human Resources Administration and the DMV all occupied the building at one time.

But over the years, those tenants moved to other Forest City properties, and the property management company began defaulting on the building’s $40,000,000 mortgage, according to the NY Observer. When an investor took over the debt, the new investor and Forest City decided the building should be torn down.

Here are more photos of the demolition:

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Along Hudson Avenue:

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From Rockwell Place:

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