With perfect fall weather and vendors aplenty, this may have been the best weekend of the year at The Flea. Here’s what folks were saying about it on Twitter…ellenchoquette Brooklyn Flea Market with my lover. Gorgeous out…SprinkledInPink The Dumbo Flea market under the Brooklyn Bridge is insane, the spring like weather made it perfection for November!…binduwiles http://twitpic.com/os6bd – At the Brooklyn flea!…binduwiles Blowing off my schoolwork for the afternoon and going to Brooklyn Flea with my honey. Who can resist this incredible weather?!…dumbonyc Lot of people, vendors, and buying. (@ Brooklyn Bridge flea in Brooklyn)…snowywilderness I made my debut selling men’s clothes for the husky hipster at the Brooklyn Flea yesterday and doubled me money. Shouts to Paul & Casey!…nellmellon Spent the afternoon with the coolest gal from Chinatown…Pat!! Walked the streets of Brooklyn from the Flea to Bam!…perryblacher Loved the Brooklyn flea http://yfrog.com/ekc3tjfinitor I’d heard that Brooklyn Flea Mkt is pick up central, but from looks of things, only if you’re a guy. Ten cute girls for every straight male…zagnutz Just walked by the Brooklyn Flea Market looked awesome!!! http://twitpic.com/ono4fshinysquirrel finally back home in my apartment after buying some antlers at the brooklyn flea…chrissylf Thinks the Brooklyn Flea is the most magical place in all the land!…SoyChaiLatte Brooklyn Flea Market with roomie and NerdBoy,a threesome made in heaven.Lets see what Nippes I can find.Maybe a 1920s hand-cranked vibrator…micalobe Scored a vintage Yves St Laurent blouse in perf condition at the Brooklyn Flea!!!!!

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  1. Nokilissa, I’m with you. Can’t imagine anyone wanting to be alerted to what my high-school-age daughter brutally terms “brain vomit,” nor imagine wanting to receive (almost) anyone else’s. However, I would like to see the antlers that “ShinySquirrel” bought, so perhaps I am more susceptible than I realize.

  2. it’s just a product of people who grew up with everyone telling them and insisting that they were special, unique, interesting, and important.

    newsflash: not everyone is special or interesting.
    newsflash: some babies are butt ugly
    newsflash: your kid doesn’t have ADHD, he’s just slow.


  3. Twitter is dumb… I’m plenty tech-savvy and fit right into the upper end of the demographic (I’m just a year older than Ashton Kutcher for chrissake), but it’s just inane. The last thing this world needs is another reason for people to do on their phones while “walking” on the sidewalk.

  4. I wish I were ‘tech communication savvy’ enough to even understand Twitter for God’s sake. I really honestly don’t get it. How does anyone ‘follow’ anyone (more importantly, why WOULD they, but I digress), how does one tweet and so on. I’ve actually tried it, tried setting up a Twitter ‘account’, but couldn’t understand why or what I would say, and how anyone would know that I did. Now I find, even though I’ve never tweeted, that people ‘follow me’. I get announcements of this in my email. Sigh.