A thread on Brooklynian is atwitter with news that 7th Avenue housewares store Nest has flown the coop. The shop, between 12th and 13th streets, shuttered earlier this month. One Brooklynian commenter notes that the store “was one of the first places to grace the barren south slope strip,” while a few others contend that its goods were overpriced (“I’m sure they’ll find a nice new home in Soho”). Think the closure’s indicative of a tough retail environment in the South Slope in general?
Flown From Nest? What Happened? [Brooklynian] GMAP

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  1. Good memory Brenda From Flatbush! You’re not a kiddin’…. past Tenth Street was a “stroll at your own risk” area! What times
    in the “South Slope”, or, as I affectionately called the area during the 70’s and 80’s, “Park Slump”.

  2. Did anyone hear that Amish Market is looking to expand 10 new stores or something?

    Anyone know how we can get in touch? I think one would be a great addition to the mid/north slope area.

    We are sorely lacking a good grocery store.

  3. tough retail? Maybe, but I counted about 5-6 new retail stores south of 9th opening this year. Plus Union Market soon and great restaurants like Scalino’s to create an Applewood/12th Street Grill/Scalino trifecta. I also like the new, redesigned gourmet deli that opened on the corner of 12th/8th. Totally cute awnings and healthy stuff.

  4. I’ll give ya old-timers: The very first pioneers in the early 80s, south of 9th St., were a card store run by 2 nice gay fellows (now a RE agency) and a cute li’l gallery called Chameleon even further down. Both quickly fell in the very first wave of gentrifying rent-raises. We’re talking 1985 or so!!! Back in those days, young’uns, there was tumbleweeds rolling down the middle of Seventh Avenue once ya got past Tenth Street…

  5. original post is incorrect: was one of the first places to grace the barren south slope strip ..that’s just not true. Nest opened in 2003, at least 3 years after the commercial strip bw 14th and 15th aves boomed, in fact the owner of the very first south slope shop “Bird” bristled when Nest opened bc the association of names, and Btw, the Bird spin-off Baby Bird closed this spring and was replaced by a child care center “Parker’s Place”

  6. 9:50, grow up and stop watching so much Entourage.

    But, speaking of Asian, a nice Vietnamese restaurant would be fantastic!!!

    I would also like to echo the posts of those who thought the Nest was empty… Too few things that change so infrequently and for so much money. Nice candles, though.

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