While they suck for most people, recessions also provide others with opportunities. Along those lines, we received a tip that the owners of Commonwealth, a bar described by New York Magazine as “a kinder, gentler indie rock bar,” have plans to take over two shuttered bars in the area—the Red Sox-friendly Lighthouse Tavern (left) and the old-school Mooney’s Pub (right). Can anyone confirm?
Lighthouse photo from PropertyShark; Mooney’s photo by Jay Morrison.

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  1. this is the best neighborhood news i’ve heard in a while – so excited. one tiny request, though. please please please have some burgers in at least one of the new joints. i’ll try my hardest to be there at least once a week.

  2. i can happily confirm that Ray Gish and Rory Dwyer co owners of Commonwealth are indeed taking over both The Lighthouse and Mooneys.We have chosen a couple of our favourite bartenders to be our business partners ,all of us are very excited.Both places will have a similar vibe to Commonwealth , we hope.
    Mark Korns (a long time bartender at rory’s restaurant Long Tan) is our partner at the Lighthouse.We are currently renovating and hope to re-open it as High Dive sometime in February.i can assure you that it will no longer be a Red Sox bar,since we are not exactly sports minded people. (although we do enjoy the occasional hores race)
    Sharelne Frank ( of Commonwealth fame) is our partner at Mooneys.While waiting for our liquor licence we will undertake some minor renovations ,mostly the bathrooms.we do not currently have a name for Mooneys ,so we would like to take this opportunity to ask our neighbors for suggestions. any ideas.