StreetLevel: Atlantic Ave. Urban Outfitters Opening Soon
The long-planned Cobble Hill Urban Outfitters is scheduled to be in biz in two-and-a-half weeks, according to an Urban rep we spoke to outside the store last Thursday. A look at the space through the windows (as seen in the mostly obscured photo above) shows there’s still a lot of work to be done, but…
The long-planned Cobble Hill Urban Outfitters is scheduled to be in biz in two-and-a-half weeks, according to an Urban rep we spoke to outside the store last Thursday. A look at the space through the windows (as seen in the mostly obscured photo above) shows there’s still a lot of work to be done, but it’s not totally inconceivable that it’ll be ready to roll by then. We’re definitely interested in seeing how sales fare at this location, which is sort of a no-man’s land for chain clothing stores. Guesses?
Urban Outfitters in Store for Atlantic Ave. [Brownstoner] GMAP
I can’t wait to wear my tight jeans and puma’s here on a Sunday afternoon after Brunch at Po and then a nice game of Bocce at Union Hall in the Slope.
Perfect day.
Sure you’ll have time for it, 4:04?
I’m sure there are plenty of other more pressing issues to discuss.
Like your dellusions.
3:49, if I don’t plan to shop at Urban Outfitters, then I hate myself? Gonna have to discuss this in my session on Thursday.
Hey Brownstoner
If you have such an influential blog do people who support Urban Outfitters actually buy brownstones??
When is the last time you saw a MAJOR chain open up and close it’s doors?
Seriously. This people spend millions on scouting and researching demographics.
Even Starbucks, which opens a location on every other corner, closes few stores in comparison.
I think in this case, the haters like you will be the ones with ther foots in their mouths.
I’m perfectly willing to let the market determine whether “we” really need this store.
If they open the doors and nobody comes in, you will be vindicated, and they will close down in a hurry.
Considering Brooklyn is more “URBAN” than 90% of the places where these stores exist, I say it sounds like a perfect place to open up.
It is so sad to see how many people who read this blog hate themselves.
It is THE ONLY reason why someone with no plan to shop here would say negative things about it.
“Say goodbye to local retail in Brooklyn, say hello to corporate retail and the mall-afication of Brooklyn.”
There’s no way ALL of the local retailers will go under even if 50 new big-box retailers move into Brooklyn. There’s enough room for big-box stores AND small local retailers. Furthermore, I’ve been here my entire life, and take if from me, some of the “local retailers” are no bargain. I’m ready for some diversity. It’s all about options.
Brooklyn on it’s own would be the 4th largest city, right behind NYC, LA, Chicago and Houston.
Why shouldn’t we have some of the same stores that EVERY OTHER MAJOR city have??!!
Jeez…even Alabama has one for god’s sake.
Somehow you think Brooklyn being left completely and totally out of the retail equation has been a GOOD THING??
Look around you. And I mean outside of your Brownstone in Park Slope. Like look ALL around and all the many different people with different incomes, different nationalities, different opinions, different desires and different ideas of where they like and do not like to shop.
Or should anything here be only mom and pop and Nordstom and Apple?
Shall we deem you the Retail Czar of Brooklyn?