Residents of the ‘Burg will have another option of where to buy their wine and liquor. L & P’s Wine & Liquor is setting up shop at 633 Metropolitan Avenue. No exact opening date yet; just plenty of “opening soon” signs. GMAP

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  1. my favorite, by far, is Blue angel wines on Grand Street and leonard. Awesome selection, great prices, and an awesome dog! and the best part is they deliver.

  2. Haha wine lover – was waiting for you to chime in on this one.

    I’ll have to check them all out because as you said, Uva is overpriced!!

    And I agree – DOC (bar) is great.

  3. BEST deal is the discount wine store on meeker on the way to the BQE entrance in east williamsburg/greenpoint. example: los almos there – $9, trojanowski -$13. plus, you get discounts for buying 6 or more bottles than a bigger discount @ 12 or more…

    i find both UVA and Bedford’s Bottle Shoppe (there are 2 locations) too overpriced. trojanowski seems to be getting pricer too.

    do buy wine at the Trader Joes on 14th street in manhattan and manhattan’s warehouse on wines on broadway and like 9th? excellent values at both.

    there’s also DOC wine on S.6th/Broadway and like Berry or Bedford. beautiful store – same owners as DOC wine bar – which is my fave fave burg place.

    as my name suggests, do drink a lot of wine…

  4. There are about 10 wine shoppes (that sell the fancy stuff) in the burg already. Not sure what you all drink… but, well, maybe I am a philistine. Probably, even.

  5. Cool thanks – I’ve never been to Bottle Shop, will have to check it out.

    There’s also a really tiny wine store on Richardson btw Lorimer and Union (across the street from Royal Oak) but have also never been. I usually take advantage of Uva having free delivery.

  6. agreed. The place on Metro. and Union is more of a liquor store really, and not a very good one at that. A real selection would be nice. although the Bottle Shoppe on Graham is usually pretty good.

  7. Awesome – hopefully this is a proper wine store like Uva on Bedford and not like the one on the corner of Metro and Union, which has a terrible selection.