Squadron Helps Drivers Get Off (The FDR)
Most Brooklynites are familiar with what a mess it can be to take the Brooklyn Bridge exit from the southbound FDR drive. Well, State Senator Squadron just worked out a deal with State DOT to make some changes, including new painted lines and EXIT ONLY signs, by the end of the year. Think it’ll help?

Most Brooklynites are familiar with what a mess it can be to take the Brooklyn Bridge exit from the southbound FDR drive. Well, State Senator Squadron just worked out a deal with State DOT to make some changes, including new painted lines and EXIT ONLY signs, by the end of the year. Think it’ll help?
I think it’s great right now. No need to change.
Place cameras on the Manhattan Bridge and take pics of license plates of all cars that cut into the line in front of that exit and in the process cross the solid line. Do the same on exit from Brooklyn Bridge onto FDR Drive, and on all other places where there are similar issues present. There are so many places in this city where this would be extremely helpful, not to mention the situations in which a number of “drivers” in this city take red lights as suggestions and not an order to stop. The investment into cameras will pay off in about 3 hours and the rest of the revenue can be used towards building underground roads that will speed up traffic between NYC boroughs, or modernize the disgusting subway system that looks like it is crumbling. Finally, from the leftover funds abolish the NYC tax and help to reduce NYS tax after filling the gaps in the state budget.
What you need is a squadron all right.
A squadron of helicopters with air-to-surface rockets.
I do the legal U down by the firehouse. I wish every jerk who cuts in were given a ticket. It’s as stupid as the idiots who don’t move out of the way at subway doors – cuts everyone’s time. Selfish & dumb!
bklynrosie, I read that when it came out. I remember thinking that it would be best if highway engineers forced people to merge at the actual merge points rather than in advance of them (think of the entrance to the jersey bound holland and lincoln tunnels, where four lanes go to two, then two to one and everyone politely alternates). The trick is to do this without interfering with traffic heading elsewhere. In the case of the brooklyn bridge, that would probably mean having the traffic continuing on FDR south to exit, leaving the bridge traffic on the “mainline.” Then gradually reduce lanes.
“Squadron Helps Drivers Get Off”
Mr. B has clearly been spending too much time in the OT.
Some of these posts made me LOL as people who travel on the middle and left lanes probably do think the right lane is full of tourists. What I’ll do if the traffic is backed up half a mile is go past the exit and take the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel. 95% of the time, it’s totally clear.
There was a great article in the Times Magazine a while back called the Urge to Merge, which tackled this very phenomenon of “lineuppers” vs “sidezoomers.” The traffic flow experts all agreed that though sidezoomers may be rude and inconsiderate for cutting in at the last minute, the vigilante lineuppers who refuse to let them in do just as much to impede traffic. Read it here:
If Thompson is elected mayor, all,this will be even worse.