Yesterday morning DNAinfo reported that the section of the mural surrounding the development site on Eastern Parkway and Franklin Avenue was in the process of being taken down. The photo above shows what the Eastern Parkway section of the site looked like as of around 2:30 p.m. yesterday. The mural was supposed to come down starting Tuesday, but that did not happen. The latest rendering for the 62-unit project, which was recently purchased by new investors and may see the beginning of construction in earnest sometime soon, can be seen here, though it’s possible that it is out of date. The section of the mural on the Franklin Avenue side of the site is still intact. While some in the community no doubt feel sad about the mural being removed, it is terribly exciting that a long-stalled hole in the ground will one day—hopefully sooner rather than later—be the site of new construction in which families can live.
Weeks After $8.2 Million Sale, Franklin Avenue Bob Marley Mural Comes Down [DNAinfo]
Mural to Make Way for Building on Franklin Ave? [Brownstoner]
The Latest Look for the Big Eastern Pkwy/Franklin Ave Site [Brownstoner] GMAP
Big Lot at Eastern Pkwy/Franklin Finally Sells for $8M [Brownstoner]

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