Feb. 12 (Bloomberg) — Sales at U.S. retailers unexpectedly halted a record six-month slide in January, reflecting higher gasoline prices and more spending on items such as clothing and food. The 1 percent increase followed a revised 3 percent drop the prior month, the Commerce Department said today in Washington. Purchases excluding automobiles gained 0.9 percent. Consumer spending, about 70 percent of the economy, is likely to resume shrinking as the year progresses, according to a separate monthly Bloomberg News survey, capping the longest slide on record. Lawmakers are aiming to shore up the economy with a $789 billion stimulus package that’s designed to create 3.5 million new jobs.

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  1. Why that sounds like fun bxgrl! I am under the impression Crown Heights North is too expensive for us. We’re looking for a 19th C two-family for between $420,000 and $520,000.

    What, I am pretty sure our price range limits us to Bushwick and Ocean Hill. We also need ground floor storage with windows, no steps, and easy car access. I need to be close to Manhattan because of my job.

  2. “What would you suggest?”

    Oh hell no Mopar! I’m not a Tour Guide and guess what? I don’t think “need” a place to live. I think you want to join the “Me too” crowd. There are alternatives available but I think you are a Asshead and want to get “edgy”..

    The What (Skittles for everyone)

    Someday this war is gonna end..

  3. What, do you live on Park Ave? The only areas of the city we have found that we can afford are Bushwick and Ocean Hill. (We have a business so we need a two-family house. We can’t live in an apartment.) We live in Bushwick now and we like it very much. Honestly, we need a place to live. What would you suggest?

  4. Why doesn’t the government just start selling forclosed homes to excellent credit worthy renters for 1 dollar? It would fix the housing crisis right away. We would get honest working, bill paying people in homes they deserve to own right away and get blood sucking homeowners that are looking for handouts to become renters at affordable cost. Or maybe they couldn’t afford to rent iether?

  5. “What’s wrong with Ocean Hill?”

    Oh I forgot one more thing, Ignorance.

    I hope to God that our Credit Markets crash. I hope to God that they will never loan money to stupid-assed people again….

    The What (What’s wrong with Ocean Hill? A 9mm or a Box Cutter..)

    Someday this is gonna end..

  6. We have to find a clear definition of “. Most of you say food stamps and welfare checks are “welfare” the only form of government susidies. I say that low interest rates at less than two percent and banks not paying any interest at all to people who lend them saved money is a far worst type of government susidy. The banks made millions on subprime loans, And what are we stuck with? Expensive homes no one can afford to buy and trillions in bail out money. Why bother working we might as all just ask for welfare and public housing.

  7. “It’s called predatory lending.”

    Do you know what’s really sad? The idiots still don’t get it!!!!! Let me help you out.

    The Big Boys know one thing– Humans are stupid (I’m serious)! They knew this time around if they inflate the money supply, people would think that incomes was rising.

    Example- The NASDAQ Dust Up. Alan Greenspearm stood by and let that thing get out of control! When the crash happen what did he do? He lowered interest rates to 1%. This is where the Mutant Asset Bubble started. If AG would’ve took his recession like a man, we would face a depression today.

    When I got into Real Estate all I heard was “Real Estate goes up” and “Buy now or be priced out forever” and other nonsense! Assheads all over the world was Flipping houses, Refing paid off houses and thought the good times was going to last forever. That was 2005!

    Now four years later we have a collapsing Mutant Asset Bubble and facing a DEPRESSION still people are incredulous! Example: MOPAR! This retard is considering buying a house in OCEAN HILL!!!!!!! ARE YOU NUTS??????!! I’m Ghetto rugged as they come but you would not get me around there if the rent was free.

    The Mutant Asset Bubble foundation is these two basic things GREED and DELUSION. When a Asshead believe something there is no stopping them until everything is gone. In 2009 we are at the “Event Horizon” and there is only one way from here……


    I’m so sorry that most of you do not understand what’s happening. We are living the last days of financial freedom and I hate to think what’s coming down the road. Most of you say “Oh What, you just Doom and Gloom” but I say “I just know what’s going on”…

    The What

    Someday this war is gonna end..

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