Resources: Phil Watson's Vintage Lighting
Back in the Fall when we were still planning the renovation we let our excitement get the better of us an we went out and spent more money than we really could afford on a couple of beautiful lights from Phil Watson’s Vintage Lighting. As we’ve discovered, picking lighting is very difficult. We’ve covered a…
Back in the Fall when we were still planning the renovation we let our excitement get the better of us an we went out and spent more money than we really could afford on a couple of beautiful lights from Phil Watson’s Vintage Lighting. As we’ve discovered, picking lighting is very difficult. We’ve covered a lot of ground on the Internet getting a handle on all the options and out there and have to say that this is our favorite site by far.
Nickel Plated Wall Lights [PW Vintage Lighting]
I’ve bought some beautiful fixtures from them too. They are expensive, but worth it!