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Yesterday’s press conference at the corner of Grand and Putnam avenues about the recent wave of violent crime in Eastern Clinton Hill (photo on the jump) must have touched a nerve: Less than 12 hours after Councilmember Letitia James and Deputy Borough President Yvonne J. Graham finished decrying the lack of resources being devoted by the city to the 88th Precinct, a traffic cop was shot at just yards away. According to a detective we spoke with this morning, the shooter fired on a traffic policeman in his patrol car between 2 and 2:30 a.m. this morning; the bullet missed its mark. The street is now closed off and the detective going door to door, in marked contrast to the shrug-like response that last week’s drive-by shooting on the corner elicited from the law enforcement community. The casual attitude taken by the precinct towards the situation was crystallized by a comment the same detective made to us. Because the corner was much worse a decade ago, he suggested, everyone should just be happy and stop complaining about it now. (This sounds remarkably similar to a comment another cop made to someone we know a couple of years ago that if she didn’t like the way things were in the neighborhood she should move out.) This from a guy, we can assure you, who lives nowhere near the neighborhood he works in. We’ll see whether this latest attack on their own gets the police to focus on this problem that has been under their noses for years. A good place to start might be the hours of videotape that the landlord of the problem building has of drug transactions going on in broad daylight. Up to now, the police have shown zero interest in viewing them. Maybe DA Charles Hynes can make the time.
Another Shooting on Grand and Putnam [Brownstoner]
Turning Up The Pressure on Grand and Putnam [Brownstoner]
Murder on Putnam: Will The Cops Show Up Now? [Brownstoner]


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  1. Frankly, this is in a far corner of Clinton Hill, which doesn’t even look or feel like the rest of the neighborhood. Just walk around there – it looks and feels like Crown Heights. I’m scared to walk around there in broad daylight. But it’s completely different than about 95% of the rest of the nabe, and I’m frankly not at all surprised that something like this would happen around there.

    I live on the opposite end of the nabe, and don’t feel threatened at all.

  2. well i wont sugar coat it.when i said HATE,i meant it.these new residents care nothing about culture,character,or the people of BK.they wanna see us natives priced out and gone,so they can have these streets all to them self.OVER MY DEAD BODY!thank god i live in coney island,where for right now,i dont have to worry adout displacement.

  3. ok, 8:22, you are doubting that I lived in 425 Grand & that’s cool but I have witnessed Jose get paid off by tenants in 425 Grand Ave so that drug dealers can come inside to handle “business”. (so do you want factual evidence…names, dates/times, give me a break!) If you want to sugar coat things that’s cool. Good Luck trying to get John (aka slum lord) to do anything. That will never happen. I agree that 425 has gotten better in the 8 yrs. that I have lived there. I was there when the homeless woman was living in the bldg, when the guys were openly selling drugs in the lobby, when my neighbor was selling drugs out of the apt. so I know about the changes that were made because I helped make a lot of those changes. The fact remains that there are still some problems in 435 Grand. I also know for a fact that those cameras are a joke inside the buildings, they aren’t being monitored, or even working. The 88th no longer does verticals & break-ins are commonplace. The problem with all of the buildings is that everyone is waiting for someone else to do something. Just because the color or the class of the neighborhood changes, doesn’t mean the problems disappear!! I agree that this site is for positive exchanges but I think that there is a disconnect between the renters and owners on the block, that has persisted for years. In order the change the present & the future, you have to understand the past & recognize the big picture!

  4. 12.45 I get that my neighborhood is changing by a bunch of people moving into a community thats not theirs and bitching and complaining about it. Other than that I am not sure what I am suppose to get.
    What was were LOX is on Putnam bet Cambridge and Grand ? What use to be on the corner of Gates and St. James ? What you use to take up the block on the corner of Gates and Grand ? Where the fake little brownstones are ? What did the huge yellow laundry -mat use to be ? what was there ? I am just curious how long you have lived here as I would assume a very long time if you are bold enough to use the word “monronic” towards me ?

    11.41, you are right the place was better back then, but I would not go as far as to say hate. I am a bit upset that if I were to move I could not afford a place around here. Times change there will always be a new neighborhood to be discovered, and in 5-10 years this will be like park slope and all the drug dealers will be gone, and the rich will end up getting their way, its just the way life is.

  5. You realize the dealers are watching you as you are watching them. I did not know about this site till one of the dealers asked me to google search and see what people are writing.

    They told me to read about the complaints about the shootings, and also there is a complaint about people hanging inside the deli and smoking in the deli. I also believe there are a couple of other things but my mind is drawing a blank.

    The neighborhood is what it is. I have lived on Grand Ave bet Putnam and Gates for close to 11 years. I find the dealers to be very cool people. They all say good morning and what’s up. They have never approached me to buy drugs, even though we both know whats going on. I actually feel safer with them outside and the safest when on the block. Yes, it would suck to catch a bullet, but anything is possible here in clinton hill or walking down the street in the city.

    I could deal without the shootings, sure it sucks but it is what the neighborhood is. I could also deal without all the gentrification, that too me is the problem with the neighborhood now. Snotty white people moving in and complaining about everything. My personal opinion if you do not like it go back to the city, Kansas or where ever you might be from. After every shooting I make it my business to go up to every little hipster in the neighborhood and tell them about it. I hope it will make them move.

    There was a sense of community before this wave of people. Everyone spoke to each other not just your neighbors but random people walking down the street if you made eye contact, you either gave a nod or asked how the person was doing. Now, people on the street have that manhattan attitude and its disgusting. Or maybe its a white thing because when I am sitting on my stoop and someone passes by, I say hi and people are a little freaked out about it, and I am white just like them.

    My advice is either you deal with the bullshit that comes with this neighborhood or leave. Its not your neighborhood, I am sorry to say but its the dealers neighborhood who were born and raised here. You are coming into someone else’s place and telling them what they should do and how it should change. I really don’t think that is the right thing to do if you want to fit into this community. Its a community already and if the new folks keep behaving like they are it will not be a community for much longer.

    Just try this, say hi to a stranger when walking down the street here and I promise they will say hi back.

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