raccoon-1.jpgWe’ve heard reports of four separate raccoon sightings on or near 4th Avenue over the past week. Three of the sightings were on Carroll Street—one guy says he saw a raccoon scurrying from the stalled construction site on the corner of Carroll out onto the avenue—while the fourth was close to the entrance of J.J. Byrne Park on 3rd Street. The iPhone pic to the right was captured two nights ago by one of the employees of the car service on Carroll and 4th. The driver says the raccoon hissed at him when he was going in for the close-up. GMAP

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  1. They ate my prized goldfish, who was about 12 years old. Bastards. Many sightings of a big raccoon on Carroll Street. I think they are living in the corner lot with the big building that is on eternal hold.

  2. Raccoons ate four of my neighbors prized koi from a pond on 3rd street a couple of weeks ago. They will easily open sealed garbage cans and create a mess from which rats can then feast on left overs. Raccoons are not cute!

  3. July is when I usually see the youngsters showing up.Haven’t seen them this year. Maybe the cool summer start slowed them down.

    Ditto all above: avoid immediate contact, keep pets away, call animal control if seen in daytime, etc.

  4. About two weeks ago a raccoon was run over on 4th at the corner of Baltic. Its adorable carcass sat in the gutter for a couple of days.

    I once saw a skunk walking down a sidewalk in Hoboken at 3 in the morning. Brooklyn needs more skunks. And raccoons.

  5. I’m used to seeing raccoons and possums when I’m out early for a run, but yesterday I saw something that might have been a skunk. It ducked behind a fence before I could get a good look. More likely was a black and white cat, though. Too bad.

  6. I just saw a No Reservations (I think it was that) episode where they were in Arkansas and were eating ‘possum and raccoon. The raccooon apparently was quite good but the ‘possum, not so much.

  7. Aren’t they referred to as racoon-americans? also, man I love possums. I saved one from a construction site on madison avenue and 40th street a few years back. I was there late, temping, and taking a smoke break. The construction guys were freaking out cause the thing, though a baby, looked like a giant rat. Finally one of the guys (the one with the balls) put on his glove, grabbed the thing by its tail, and proceeded to pull and tug and yank it off the machinery to which it was clinging with all 400 of its long claws. He put it in a box and handed it to me. My boyfriend and I then walked it to central park, where we released it (but not before being followed by an old bag lady croaking at us “you’ve got an animal in there! I know you’ve got an animal in there!”). When we let him out, he seemed so mellow. Like nothing ever happened.

    AND YES, we called 911, ACC, SPCA etc. No one wanted to be bothered. I obviously don’t recommend pulling stunts like this and we were lucky to get out of it alive, but it had to be done. It was in MIDTOWN for f’s sake.

  8. I saw a posse of three juvenile raccoons climbing our neighbors’ drainpipe in park slope a couple weeks ago. It was around 6:30am, so this was probably nocturnal behavior for the young ones. It was still pretty amazing to see.

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