Quote of the Day
During the 19th C. the most notorious brothel in brooklyn heights was on the corner of Peirrepont and Henry in a magnificent mansion. It is now apts. It is one of my favorite houses in all of Brooklyn, every time I’m in the nabe I have to walk by. I imagine women of ill repute…

During the 19th C. the most notorious brothel in brooklyn heights was on the corner of Peirrepont and Henry in a magnificent mansion. It is now apts. It is one of my favorite houses in all of Brooklyn, every time I’m in the nabe I have to walk by. I imagine women of ill repute hanging out by the windows waiting for male callers. During that same time, Love Lane was used for illicit activity. So, this house on ‘Love Lane’ for $9,500 a month you better get some bang for your buck!
by bayridgegirl in 43 Love Lane Now For Rent As Well
BRG, I was out on business most of the day. Gotta work sometime, ya know.
I’ll try harder tomorrow. 😉
show some respect ladies, it’s boef au champignon.
but beefy chalupa is also acceptable.
In my experience, after the third QOTD, one becomes rather jaded.
sam III (as in three times)
bxgrl, do you mean beouf de champion?
Mushrooms have nothing to with it.
I know- but Biff is such a good guy, and a great sense of humor.
we’re sorry Biff, we love you. Please don’t hurt us.
^^^ or with this comment.
I’m sorry, Biff.
I shouldn’t have taken a shot at him, he’s not going to be happy.
BRG _ thought we decided to refer to him as Boef de champignon? Or was it Spam Champ?
‘What is a masculine counterpart to the expression for “women of ill repute”?’
Biff Champion