quotation-icon.jpgThe problem is the government doing something about foreclosures means the government using your and my taxes to pay for bad debts taken during the housing bubble. I don’t have a problem with my taxes being used to help out people of good will who have found themselves in a temporary tough spot with paying the mortgage on their primary (and only!) residence and need some help to get through it. But the people who took out the liar loans, people with 2 or more properties, and the house flippers who got caught should all be foreclosed on if they can’t pay their bills imho. And the government should not be trying to prop up real estate prices any more than it props up my 401k.

— by northsloperenter in Blinder: ‘Fiddling on Foreclosures’

What's Your Take? Leave a Comment

  1. “I have it on my hard drive and I will watch later on and get a hard on!!” Saddest statement ever made on this site. Watching History Channel and getting a boner is pretty pathetic.

  2. Is the History channel really doing that sort of take on things? I love those end times/rapture scenarios where all the good death-sentence-supporting gay-hating muslim-intolerant deer-shooting “pious” ones suddenly disappear from the streets, thinking they are going to heaven, leaving the “sinners” behind.

    Because the infinitely compassionate, omiscient creator of life, the universe, existence and time, if there is one, would definitely choose to rescue that bunch over everyone else.

  3. “BTW, did anybody see that special on the History Channel, “Crash: The Next Great Depression”

    I have it on my hard drive and I will watch later on and get a hard on!!

    The What

    Someday this war is gonna end..

  4. > “Beware letting the History Channel influence your predictions.”

    Agreed. It seems that every other program on the History Channel these days has a Rapture / End Times bent to it. It’s hard to take them at all seriously any more.

  5. Forgive me for not attempting a nuanced comment, but taking money away from people that earned it and giving it to someone who didn’t is stealing. But it’s the government, so you’d have a better chance with a mugger on a dark street. Further, rewarding poor financial decision making is anti-evolutionary.

  6. “…clients always demand the sensational thesis. Beware letting the History Channel influence your predictions.”

    There’s nothing more sensational than the truth. History Channel is not alone on this topic.

    ***Bid half off peak comps***

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