quotation-icon.jpgI am tired of reading “not really a 2 bedroom”. Why is this an issue if there was a renovation done and the new room has a window…technically it IS considered a bedroom. Some folks don’t need a formal dining room or a really really large master bedroom. If you are able to add a room and call it a bedroom why can’t that be “real”? And for those who keep saying this, please tell us what you consider a “real” 2nd bedroom.
— from Co-op of the Day: 2 Grace Court

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  1. ok 9:08 i agree w/ what you state in the first 4 lines.what you state in the last paragraph makes NOE sense. there is an abundance of inventory right now which makes for lots of competitve options and high supply, the city is on a total upswing as far as gentrification, renewal, and clean up,and show me where you think the “natural americans” from NYC are going…
    when was the last time NYC degraded itself???????????????????????????????????

  2. a bedroom must (by law) have: a window, 100SF

    a bedroom should (by any standard of decency) have: enough room for a bed AND a place to sit or stand, a view out that required window, a door or doors that provide visual and aural privacy.

    The sweeping trend in housing is that the all-powerful consumer is undermined by a lack of competitive options. The supply is so low that quality and reality have suffered. I believe that we will see a flight of natural-born Americans from NYC over the net decade, and an influx of immigrants from developing or oppressive countries. NYC has a long, long history of degrading itself and then re-building. The city is in a down cycle for a while.

  3. I don’t believe a closet makes a bedroom. 3:44 makes sense when you have a window of certain magnitude as oppossed to just a shaft window w/o light. but whether there are french doors or it’s off the living room or converted dining room that just doesn’t matter.
    It’s amazing how many people have become engineers and architects yet probably couldn’t afford a ONE bedroom never mind a two.

  4. Against all odds?

    The mystery goes no deeper than this: a comp recently sold about $60k less.

    The sellers should do a $50k price chop and pronto, before this apartment is tarred with the “why hasn’t this sold yet?” brush.

  5. The sad truth is that this apartment would be far more valuable as an elegant one bedroom with a dining room and living room than it is as a chopped-up 2 bedroom. In nice neighborhoods people pay for quality. The people who botched the renovation of this unit are clueless as to affluent American tastes and preferneces. that is why, agaisnt all odds, they are having trouble selling this apartment.

  6. This apt is a very standard NY prewar 4: one bedroom with a LR and a DR, one of which is being used as a second BR.

    HONEST and helpful brokers will refer to it by its standard term — a pre-war 1 BR with convertible DR. The standard language has the advantage that is communicates the reality, so buyers can quickly understand what they are looking at and move on if it is not what they want.

    Dishonest brokers can call it a 2 br or a 13 BR or a xhocsol if they like. No doubt there is someone who might be willing to put up another wall and use part of the kitchen as a BR too, or it could be divided vertically to make 4 bedrooms. The floorplan is on line, so few people are likely to be deceived and it’s probably not fraud.

    How many times have I looked at 3 BR ads to discover that one, or two, of the “BR” have no window, or no closet, or no walls, or are entirely imaginary. It wastes my time and makes it clear that nothing else the broker says should be trusted either. “Convertible,” on the other hand, or “converted,” alerts me to the reality: this apt has a space that could be used as a BR even though that was not the original intention.

  7. i do think that in terms of marketing an apt. it is fair to say that it can be a convertible room or an area can be reconfigured. i do understand what the original poster meant when they said it. this particular place is really more of a one bedroom, but for a couple considering kids or with a baby, maybe this place could work. for someone truly in the market for a bigger apt with 2 bedrooms, well, maybe not. overall, when i looked, i concentrated on sq. footage more than anything because of all the weird layouts and set-ups out there.

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